Oh dear oh dear oh dear, SCO do seem to be able to make a complete pigs ear out of things, don’t they.
First of all they say Linux has copied code, then they give two examples, the first being a malloc() routine appearing in V3 Unix and written in 1973 (the algorithm appeared in a book in 1968) and released under a BSD license by Caldera (now SCO – yes the same ones pursuing the law suit) and the second being part of the Berkeley Packet Filter suite written by Lawrence Berkeley Labs and released under the BSD license. Read more here.
Then they say the license that many open source projects are released under, the GPL, is worthless and bad, and yet the same day announce that they’ll be using the Samba 3.0.0 release in their systems. Now guess which license Samba is released under ? Read more here.
To cap it all off, their webserver, according to Netcraft, is running Apache on Linux!
Have a look at what it, and the other systems it shares space with, run, by looking at the Netcraft Summary for the IP block it lives on says.
Lots and lots of Linux, some Windows and no SCO or Unixware…
Even more bizzare..
$ host ir.sco.com
ir.sco.com is an alias for cald.client.shareholder.com.
cald.client.shareholder.com is an alias for client.shareholder.com.
client.shareholder.com has address
$ whois
OrgName: Sequent Computer Systems, Incorporated
OrgID: SCS-65
Address: 1000 River Street
City: Essex Junction
StateProv: VT
PostalCode: 05452
Country: US
NetRange: –
NetHandle: NET-170-224-0-0-1
Parent: NET-170-0-0-0-0
NetType: Direct Assignment
RegDate: 1995-04-21
Updated: 2001-04-06
TechHandle: ZI22-ARIN
TechName: Role Account
TechPhone: +1-866-373-6714
TechEmail: noc@ibm.com
# ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2003-08-23 19:15
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