Back in Oz!

After landing at just gone 4am today we’re now back at home and catching up with all sorts of things, including a lot of email..

CCGrid 2004 in Chicago was interesting, and we had a really great time in the UK visiting family and friends in a very hectic 6 day visit (including a trip to Norwich!).

But before all that gets written up we need to go shopping!

4 thoughts on “Back in Oz!

  1. good to have met met up with you in chicago & i look forward to our fostering a fruitful relationship between our glorious establishments 🙂


  2. > What site? 😛

    The one you linked to, silly! 🙂

    Thanks for the report, and the link too. I’m hoping to get the chance to write things up as well, but it’s a little hectic here at work at the moment!


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