The following caught my eye when reading the release notes for the preview release of Firefox:
Live Bookmarks
You can now subscribe to and read RSS feeds in your Bookmarks. When you visit a page that advertises a RSS feed by using a tag, a icon will appear in the status bar. Click it to view a list of feeds the page is offering. Click one to subscribe – this adds a Bookmark Folder that contains all the recent posts from the feed.
This of course begs the question, how do you create one of these links ?
The answer is suprisingly easy, the best answer I found (or at least the first useful one :-)) said to do:
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS” href=”url/to/rss/file”>
So, for my site, it looks like:
<link rel=”alternate” type=”application/rss+xml” title=”RSS” href=”backend.php”>
If you’re using the latest Firefox to view my page you should see a little tag in your status bar (normally bottom left) that says which you can click on to subscribe to the RSS feed from this site.
This strikes me as a really useful little hack with HTML and I encourage others who are producing RSS feeds to consider using this!