- RT @774melbourne RT @abcnewsMelbrne Thousands still without power after weekend storms http://bit.ly/4EhlNb #
- Put @donna_williams 2009 UK #autism lecture tour up on her website, along with some #music gigs – http://bit.ly/2DB2AY #
- Virgin Blue apparently pinches Flickr photos, has spurious copyright attribution – http://bit.ly/MSaYA – via @mikal blog #
- RT @Gamdel Countries with the lowest rates of social dysfunction are the most secular http://is.gd/2g9iN #
- UK National Archives release a bunch of #UFO related materials – http://bit.ly/saza (and no, I'm not a believer 🙂 ) #
- Watching the launch of the #NASA rocket to test the inflatable re-entry vehicle courtesy of @NASA_Wallops – T-3 mins! #
- RT @NASA_Wallops The launch webcast can be viewed by going to http://sites.wff.nasa.gov/webcast and clicking on view launch. #
- "At this point in the count, motor systems are armed for launch." #
- T minus 1 minute #
- there it goes! #
- payload deployed! #
- the camera on the payload shows a very very fast spinning earth 😉 #
- You can see the current status of the mission in text here – http://bit.ly/oYrSL #
- Looks like it's inflated now. #
- It's quite wild to be watching streaming live video from a small spacecraft… #
- "Looks like it just collapsed in on itself […] 6 psi" – cuts to picture of control room of people clapping #
- the video seemed to show it expanding out and over and covering the camera #
- RT @NASA_Wallops The IRVE experiment deployed and preliminary reports indicate all systems performed nominally. #
- #NICTA have published a formal proof on a variant of the L4 microkernel (seL4) written in #Haskell http://bit.ly/w97Lf #
- Since when has methane from coal seams been renewable energy ? http://bit.ly/M0HP2 #climatefail #australia #
- via @insideHPC – 650 CPU system for the ISS http://bit.ly/lXJ0T + SGI kills graphics division http://bit.ly/3pEFCJ #
- Need more entropy ? Can't wait for the 2nd law of thermodynamics ? Just plug in a USB stick! http://bit.ly/f3sda #
- Interesting comparison on European and US internet usage patterns – http://bit.ly/2yfgDl #
- VIC govt list of 52 towns most at risk this fire season http://bit.ly/1lYmRB catch is it includes Dandenong Ranges as 1! #
- RT @elakdawalla A very happy 2000 sols for the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit! (That's 2000 Martian days since Spirit landed.) #
- big congrats to all the MER team! to quote @marsroverdriver "Spirit's now 2000 sols into her 90-sol mission." #
- RT @elakdawalla Funny with a grain of truth: Contrast the publication styles and resulting careers of Newton and Galileo: http://is.gd/2nf29 #
- So true! RT @skwashd Things that say 'Melbourne'[…] Catherine Deveny ftw! its always nice to start the day with a laugh http://is.gd/2npmd #
- Oh dear, no change to funding mechanism for Exclusive Bretheren schools under Labour – 50% extra! http://bit.ly/2lMtFa #
- RT @insideHPC Japanese Super Figures Pi to 2.5 Trillion Digits http://bit.ly/8QIhB #
- [neat self-organising clustered ARMs!] RT @jonoxer Crazy multi-processor ARM-based Arduino system: http://bit.ly/49RmtT #
- Oh wow, thanks to @alecmuffett for mentioning the #songsincode meme that's doigng the rounds at the moment! #
- RT @jacobfinke if ($_REQUEST["q"] == "Kookookachoo"){ echo "They aren't the eggman" } else {echo "I Am the Walrus";} #songsincode #
- if [ x$me eq "xRick Wakeman" ]; then echo "Eat your heart out $me"; else echo 'I like short songs!'; fi #songsincode #
- [ via various 😉 ] RT @netik: rickroll == !give_you_up() && !let_you_down() && !run_around() && !desert_you(); #songsincode #
- money(away);if (job->get("good")) me=ok; money=gas;grab(cash(hands=both, stash));get(new(car),caviar,daydream,footballteam) #songsincode #
- if [ `arch` != "sun4m" ]; then shutdown -h now; fi #songsincode [a nice short one for the older hackers out there 🙂 ] #
- village->push(redcoats);streets(fighting);king.printf("tax tea");if (you->going(party)) { you->going(party(boston(tea))) } #songsincode #
- kill -9 `pidof BelaLugosi` #songsincode #bauhaus #
- [1st time outside ppl & pigs] RT @BreakingNews Reuters: Chile finds turkeys infected with H1N1 flu virus at two farms, official says. #
- #Oracle gets go-ahead to buy #Sun http://bit.ly/9c2uD – US DoJ has given the green light [via good friend @alecmuffett] #
- Why would the Sydney Morning Herald publish a 2nd letter saying Sun goes around the Earth ? http://bit.ly/JSH8L #fail #
- $submarine{"yellow"} ~= /we/; #songsincode #
- if (earth.turning) { dance=FALSE; } ; if (beds!=burning) {sleep(7*60*60);} ; #songsincode #
- listen(support(monarchy)); listen(exists(union(jack))); see(custody(Namijira)); see(chains(Truganini)); #songsincode #sorry #
- export HOME=/sweet/alabama #songsincode #
- stop it it's silly! that's enough #songsincode from me, time to let those who do it better carry on.. 😉 #
- 🙂 RT @astronomyblog i = soexcited; i = !hide(it); while(i<5){ i+=know; } i = want(u); // by the *sisters #songsincode #
- The @sans_isc ppl have a piece on a malware for the Delphi compiler http://bit.ly/16ZwSa makes it produce infected exe's #
- Grr.. #Microsoft is trying to #patent techniques that biologists have been using for decades – http://bit.ly/Oy0S5 #
- Spent a large part of yesterday and today gathering, moving, chopping and storing wood. Boy I ache now, getting old! #
- Cisco+OpenMPI are developing an IB kernel module to let libraries know when a process free()s RAM – http://bit.ly/Jf8JR #
- Jeff Squyres has Open-MPI related blog – RT @jsquyres First, go check out my Cisco MPI_BCAST blog: http://bit.ly/D1MWg #
- Open Source (CC licensed) hydrogen fuel cell powered electric #car anyone? 40Fires is just starting http://bit.ly/152ade #
- RT @sabman: Vic #Bushfire Royal Commission recommends use of Common Alerting Protocol for publishing warnings; excellent CAP2Tweet is easy #
- RT @marsroverdriver A dozen NASA photos of cities at night: http://bit.ly/dHH8k Someone please develop this into a coffee-table book! #
- [good read] RT @marsroverdriver AMASE field report, giving you a sense of what it's like to be rehearsing a Mars mission: http://is.gd/2uggg #
- NIST is working on a definition of cloud computing, v15 has just been published – http://bit.ly/LjcVQ (via @enomaly_ecp) #
- Right, that's enough recuperation time, back to chainsawing! 😉 #
- Strong wind warnings for #Melbourne & #Victoria – ABC News – http://bit.ly/IaMdI – Bureau of Met – http://bit.ly/CXJb6 #
- [some nice screenshots of the N900 in action] RT @huwlynes New #Nokia phone runs #linux http://bit.ly/WEOyU #
- The #KDE News site has an interesting article about Simon, a speech activated user interface for KDE http://bit.ly/4quD3 #
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