- First result of migrating to git, found all these changes in the 1.2.7 branch I'd not merged back to trunk, d'oh! #
- OK, pushed all those missed changes back to SourceForge, so master now has all the fixed from 1.2.7 branch, phew! #
- Anyone know if #xCAT can manage #IBM Power6 #LPAR #039;s in absence of an HMC ? (IVM doesn't work with xCAT) #
- Aussie govt just realised games for iPhone, Android, etc, bypass classification laws http://bit.ly/93Otbw (via @markbate) #
- It's the "cyber" word again RT @insideHPC: American-Chinese Cyberinfrastructure and E-Science Workshop http://bit.ly/dw4Wjb #
- Sigh RT @NewtonMark: Conroy: "430 child porn sites." err, no. That's 430 refused classification sites. #openinternet #nocleanfeed #
- "What happens when a car travelling near the speed of light turns on its headlights?" http://bit.ly/bePiji #
- RIP Piper Bill Millin, 1st Special Service Brigade, 1923-2010, who piped commandos ashore on D-Day http://bit.ly/arGlGk #
- "Cross your fingers that this makes the million and a half dependant things happy" – #xCAT SVN commit r7131 π #
- #myvote @greens – only they seem to share my desire for a fair society which respects human rights and cares about the long term. #
- Hopefully not too late! RT @Djelibeybi: Happy birthday @kattekrab! π #
- I've voted in the @linuxusersvic election, have you ? π http://members.luv.asn.au/ #foss #opensource #luvvotes #
- SPARC and Itanic (IA-64) have been dropped from the Ubuntu 10.10 release due to lack of interest. #
- Pretty cool to see my photos being used on the SFD Melbourne site http://bit.ly/a2mOay – Yay for creative commons! #
- "MelbourneΓ’β¬β’s water storages topped 700 billion litres for the first time in almost three years" – almost 40% full! #
- Top 5 web browsers on my blog in last month – Firefox (52.7%), Chrome (17.4%), IE (16.6%), Safari (6.5%), Opera (3.2%) #
- "(SGE) 6.2 Update 6 release from http://sun.com/sge come with a 90 day time limited eval license only." #hpc http://bit.ly/cjXCnY #
- Found via the comments on this post http://bit.ly/9AuK8x by @sijoe about SGE no longer being open source at Sun / Oracle. #
- More on SGE going 90-day license only (happened some time ago apparently, just nobody noticed) http://bit.ly/cddaMi #
- Glad we're using Torque; long history with many copyright holders (no assignment) means changing the license would be hard #
- (via @fooishbar) RT @kernelslacker: today in audiophile lunacy: http://www.malcolmsteward.co.uk/?p=2479 #
- 1/2) Useful tip, if you are debugging #SuSE SLES #autoyast installs you can pass "usessh=1 nosshkey sshpassword=a" #
- 2/2) It stops before running autoyast and you can SSH in with X forwarding and run yast whilst poking around in the logs #
- The Separation Tree (NSW/VIC split) in Melbourne's Royal Botanic Gardens ringbarked by vandals π http://bit.ly/dzUcqz #
- Reserve Bank of Australia in favour of stimulus package, "imminent withdrawal poses risks to growth" – http://bit.ly/9Q8wUb #
- Just voted in my first ever Australian election. Thanks to the OIC's and all the other volunteers who are makinfg this possible! #
- Listening to The Wonderstuff "Never Lovd Elvis" (1991), kind of Levellers meets Waterboys meets REM #
- Great #ausvotes CGI summary (subtitled) http://j.mp/98GvAK via @markbate @PieterPeach @brainsmatter @PaulDRyan @jonathannen #
- The last public #OpenSolaris commit from #Oracle – http://bit.ly/cMUDBu – no official word from their cone of silence #
- FSM courses Cthulhu some angst on UserFriendly – http://bit.ly/90NH44 #
- Alec is bang on (as usual) RT @alecmuffett: HTML5 as an analogue for the perennial security problem http://bit.ly/c2Y3yD #
- This is your 4 minute warning, voters… π #
- That's it, times up voters! Pens down, papers must be handed in. Now for the results.. π #ausvotes #
- Great meteor and lighting shot on todays APOD! RT @apod: Perseid Storm: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap100821.html #
- Interesting, @abcelections describes our electorate (La Trobe) as a key seat – http://bit.ly/cst2Q9 #
- AEC finds LNP supporters illegally impersonated @Greens workers in Brisbane – http://bit.ly/buybCa #
- Happy Birthday to Miriam Schmierer, 111 today (born before Federation!) http://bit.ly/97IvC2 #
- .@Greens have stormed the seat of Melbourne with 35% of total vote, a swing of 12% primary vote and 7% after preferences #
- Looks like ALP edge out Liberals in La Trobe, @Greens have done well with 12.7% of primary vote, swing of 3.6% #ausvotes #
- I bet @KRuddMP is regretting not taking his double dissolution opportunity earlier in their term #ausvotes #
- First Senate numbers for Victoria, currently 2 ALP, 2 LIB, 1 Nationals, 1 @Greens, no Family First π Conroy still in π #
- Kerry O'Brien just predicted a swing to the ABC in La Trobe – if only! KOB for PM! π #
- Oh crap, it looks like Wendy Francis (Family First) will get a Senate seat in QLD #ausvotes #homophobia #
- Antony Green predicts hung parliament – Labor: 73 seats; Coalition: 72 seats; Greens: 1 seat; Independents: 4 seats #ausvotes #
- Wow, QLD Senate seats have changed markedly after more counting – Wendy Francis gone from list, 3 LIB, 2 ALP, 1 @Greens #
- Moral of the story – it's too early to tell with Senate seats yet! (What a relief) #ausvotes #
- Oh dear, looks like Family First will get a seat in South Australia π #ausvotes #
- It looks like we're set for a hung parliament, so I'm off to bed; will catch up in the morning! #ausvotes #
- Puzzled why none of the ABC election website voting figures seem to have been updated for the last 9 hours #ausvotes #
- Good to see we have our first Indigenous MP ever (Ken Wyatt, a Liberal in WA) – *WAY* overdue.. π #
- Lunchtime in the Dandenongs http://twitpic.com/2h02kp #
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I was probably the Opera audience π
I’d vote for Kerry. Maxine McKew as deputy.