- Uni of Melbourne part of planned Australian Gravity Wave Centre to be based in WA http://bit.ly/f7NXvr (via @abcnewsVic) #
- McDonald's sponsor Oprah's "insight" into Aussie culture – thinly veiled advert for crap McCafe's: http://bit.ly/fdjbK6 #
- What a day! IB card in login node crashed taking down GPFS, plus suspect a disk is on its way out in our DB server. #
- Fortunately we've got a great team so GPFS + clusters were back by midday; plus SGI are shipping a replacement drive out #
- .@CIO_Australia article has errors about #phpgroupware @skwashd points out errors, @swandives threatens #twitdef 🙁 #
- References: @skwashd is ex-phpgroupware lead developer, @swandives is editor of @CIO_Australia #twitdef #
- Hope for Australia! ANU poll finds more interest in #science vs sport, prefer scientists to pollies! http://bit.ly/htiGwx #
- Great blog by Jim Gettys on "bufferbloat" – possible pathological interaction between TCP and routers http://bit.ly/gUn83m #
- Open letter to Australian PM to support Julian Assange re: @Wikileaks makes @ABCNews front page http://bit.ly/e2EoyV #
- Assange must be presumed innocent and his accusers should also be presumed innocent of conspiracy. Ppl can do good + bad. #
- Read and despair on the disincentives: RT @ABCRampUp Fighting for access to work http://bit.ly/hYxOlX #disability #
- #Java – ideal for making a dual core 1.6GHz Core 2 Duo laptop with 2GB RAM feel like a PentiumPro with 128MB RAM.. #
- Hmm, why do I get the feeling I'm going to get very wet on the way home tonight… #
- Time to dash for the station before the next wave of rain hits! #
- .@MasterCard please explain what crime @Wikileaks has been convicted off in order for them to be classified as "illegal" #
- Happy 10th wedding anniversary to my fabulous wife @donna_williams! Here's to lots more decades together! 🙂 #
- Congrats also to #SpaceX for a successful #Falcon9 + Dragon launch, orbits and splashdown! http://bit.ly/dIVSNR #
- And for a final burst of awesomeness, my #NewModelArmy 30th anniversary boxed set arrived today! "I love the world" 🙂 #
- New Model Army – Anthology – 30th anniversary boxed set http://twitpic.com/3e723s #Music #
- Christmas house, Burwood Highway, Burwood, Melbourne http://twitpic.com/3eb085 #
- Christmas house, Burwood Highway, Burwood, Melbourne http://twitpic.com/3eb0b8 #
- Archaeological dig resumed in Little LaTrobe Street http://twitpic.com/3ekoe0 #
- Prints of my photos are for sale in a shop for the first time thanks to the fab people at @CreatureHouse in Olinda! #w00t #
- Moving video based on photos of Anne Frank and contemporary video – http://bit.ly/ehuqwG (via @TheRetronaut) #
- "Hark the Herald Tribune sings, advertising wondrous things" – from Tom Lehrer's excellent "A #Christmas Carol" 🙂 #
- Great video of Tom Lehrer talking and playing at the late Irving Kaplansky's 80th birthday in 1997 http://bit.ly/ekayIx #
- LBNL – Amazon EC2 interconnect limits #HPC apps – paper: http://bit.ly/gjs8KE news: http://bit.ly/fPPKoB (via @InsideHPC) #
- "95% confidence level APNIC will exhaust its address pools sometime between June 2011 and December 2011" – Potaroo #ipv6 #
- Thursday we went to #Marysville for first time since Black Saturday; where we used to live has gone but is being rebuilt #
- Saw Bruno's Sculpture Garden in #Marysville he's done an awesome job rebuilding it. Survived fire by going to oval. #
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