- #Moab 5.4.2 really doesn't like dealing with 40,000 queued jobs, have now limited users to 4,000 jobs each in Torque #hpc #
- Bah, except max_user_queuable doesn't seem to be honoured in #Torque 2.4.8! π #
- Went to see #TheKingsSpeech last night, awesome film, top marks to Colin Firth + Geoffrey Rush! #
- Anyone know how to disable #PulseAudio in KDE 4.6.0 RC1 on Kubuntu 10.10 ? I need my audio to work again.. π #
- Oh great plan coalition, scrap #Myki just when it seems to work. Then have to pay for a different #Metcard replacement. #
- Indigenous rock art from Arnhem Land shows c1620's SE Asian fishing boat http://bit.ly/ijyiBK #archaeology (from July) #
- A cracking live version of "World Turned Upside Down" by the #Oysterband – http://bit.ly/hsg8PU #
- Dream double bill for me in #Melbourne would be #Oysterband and #NewModelArmy – both awesome live.. #
- June Tabor and #Oysterband cover Joy Division's "Love Will Tear Us Apart" – fab! http://bit.ly/f3dJiy #
- Interesting research finds possible immune link between "feeling down" with flu and #depression – http://bit.ly/hQWYgX #
- Unfollowing @linux_at_ibm, a repetitive stream of recycled marketing messages does not a good Twitter stream make.. π #
- On the 4th day of Xmas my #HPC brought to me – another 3 failed disks – that's not good.. #
- Yay, #IBM engineer on site tomorrow morning to replace the 3 dead drives in our DCS9900 (rebadged #DDN , fingers crossed! #
- Funny how #Intelsat regained control of their #zombiesat – waited for the battery to run down which forced a reboot. π #
- #IBM swapped out 2 of the 3 dead drives this morning in our DCS9900 (rebaded #DDN , 3rd is missing in transit.. #
- Hmf, did an @internode plan change from SOHO-ADSL-50 to SOHO-REACH-60 last night and ADSL speed has halved! π #
- REACH change speed problem reported to @internode, will see what they can do about it.. #
- Off to @melbournemuseum today! #
- On the 6th day of Xmas my #HPC brought to me, 2 failed battery packs in the Uni's APC UPS.. sigh! #
- So #NYE is a day of total fire ban – wonder if that affects the fireworks ? #
- Fab afternoon at @melbournemuseum exploring Bunjilaka, Koori Voices, Mulana exhibition and the indigenous garden. #
- Great dinner at Burwood Teppanyaki tonight. Really nice food, very friendly service + no prob with casein free for Donna #
- Intro to High-Performance ScientiΓ―Β¬Βc Computing – #HPC textbook, free PDF from Lulu http://bit.ly/gWTmo0 – via @insidehpc #
- Friday will be 40C and winds of 60km/h around Melbourne, according to the BoM, so a severe bushfire danger.. π #NYE #
- Looks like it's already cracked 40C in Melbourne CBD today, just under 35C here in the hills.. #
- Amused to see tourists feeding skittish parrots at Grants Picnic Ground, oblivious to the eagles circling overhead! #
- Keiran demonstrating Newtons Laws of Motion http://twitpic.com/3lij1m #Friends #NYE #
- Blwyddyn newydd dda pawb! Happy new year all! Goodnight… #nye #
- "Ouch! Artist bolts camera to skull for year-long show" (BBC) http://bbc.in/dQh9ug @jonoxer eat your heart out! #
- Currently uploading #photos a photowalk around #Canterbury with @donna_williams http://bit.ly/e3Zsxs #
- Flight – lucky shot of pigeon in flight at Canterbury railway station http://flic.kr/p/96jNg5 #
- Chimney – Reminds me of a Buddhist Lama's headdress! http://flic.kr/p/96gJh8 #
- Accepted invitation to PC for #VTDC11 #Virtualization Technologies in Distributed Computing – http://bit.ly/eurL65 #hpc #
- I think this will be my 3rd or 4th time on the #VTDC program committee.. #
- Just posted a set of photos from 2007 from an abandoned property in Llanelly, Victoria http://bit.ly/dH8f3l #flickr #
- Japanese Empress end of year Waka poems about #Hayabusa and #vuvuzelas http://bit.ly/gFok4A – way to go! via @Astro_Soichi #
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