- Prediction (hopefully wrong) – @Skype will release new client with incompatible protocol, #Linux version will be late.. #
- So over my 3+ week stint in hospital I lost the grand total of 4kg, though apparently I look like I've lost a lot more.. #
- Went from 80kg to 76kg, now I can tell if I'm sitting on a hard chair… :-/ #
- Fabulous video of the Australia Telescope Compact Array with nature, science and great photography http://bit.ly/jKEiJf #
- You really want to watch that video at 1080p and full screen for the best effect (via @slashdot) #
- Lest we forget – 67th anniversary of D-Day today (6th June 1944) – http://bit.ly/9yuWK4 #DDay #ww2 #
- Dear Mr Regev, you were not "defending your borders" in the Golan, you were defending territory seized by force in 1967 #
- Ooh, according to the BoM there is the chance of snow on Mt Dandenong tonight! #
- Achievement unlocked! Got Davmail working with Thunderbird Lightning extension after the Uni Exchange 2010 upgrade.. 🙂 #
- Can't resist more Vietnamese food on a cold night! (@ Phi Phi Vietnamese Restaurant) http://4sq.com/iwkrDu #
- I just became the mayor of Phi Phi Vietnamese Restaurant on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/9Kkfmn #
- Took a trip up over Mount Dandenong, flurries of snow around Olinda and Mt Dandenong Village, but not settling… #
- My blog, email, etc are all #ipv6 enabled for some time via a HE tunnel, is there anything else I need for #ipv6day #
- Lunch before blood test (@ Tram Stop Cafe) http://4sq.com/jqZsmW #
- Blood test prior to tomorrows out patient clinic done (@ Box Hill Hospital) http://4sq.com/lmXVXP #
- Photo set of #Marysville & #Buxton in the #snow by @DSE_Vic – June 8, 2011 http://flic.kr/s/aHsjuT69Ft #
- Out patient appointment. (@ Box Hill Hospital) http://4sq.com/l3MkQH #
- Cappuccino to celebrate removal of last drain tube and all the staples! (@ Cafe Have Ya Bean) http://4sq.com/mJVUl2 #
- Would like @JuliaGillard @TonyAbbottMHR @SenatorBobBrown + Warren Truss to condemn death threats again climate scientists #
- Plus the independents too, of course, but that didn't fit into 140 characters.. #
- "If anyone uses the term 'APT' in describing the attacks on Sony, please hit them very hard before disregarding them" #
- previous quote from http://bit.ly/lp1ypv on "sownage" via @folded #sony #
- #Microsoft – client side #security enforcement (i.e. none) for your private meetings in #Exchange http://bit.ly/m3atg0 #
- Vassal – open source java engine for playing #wargames online or PBEM – http://bit.ly/jgnxVR – HT to my good friend Iain! #
- This is just heartless and inhumane, whatever happened to facilitating dignity in death? http://bit.ly/mwflIJ #
- Celebrating a week out of hospital! (@ Honey Thai) http://4sq.com/iAk0UL #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/G8NMayki4Uc?a Fields of the Nephilim Last Exit For the Lost #
- I favorited a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/G8NMayki4Uc?a Fields of the Nephilim Last Exit For the Lost #
- Fascinating to watch @plutokiller tweet his observations of a KBO transit and the complications presented therein #space #
- .@SMirabellaMP so death threats are OK against scientists, but not OK for a *journalist* to make a mistake reporting it ? #
- Saddened by failure of @SMirabellaMP and others to condemn violent & sexual threats against scientists and their children #
- Looks like I lost at least 6kg during my stay in hospital according to our scales at home – currently 74kg (11.7 stone) #
- Pre lunch exercise, see how far I can get! (@ Birdsland Reserve) http://4sq.com/lHE9jd #
- I just unlocked the "Adventurer" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/lBXVVT #
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Actually, at only 6 k for several weeks in hospital I don’t really see how you could recommend it as an effective diet.