- This mornings earworm – Peter Tosh "Get Up, Stand Up" #StandUpForYourRights #
- .@Google to acquire Motorola Mobile – official – http://t.co/oxmujIy #android #
- Now started putting up some of my photographic work on @redbubble to sell prints from http://t.co/5hSRx60 #art #photos #
- Larry Page blogs about @Google buying Motorola – http://t.co/vn0i0ka #android #patents #
- OK – enough @Google/#Motorola fun for tonight, it's almost midnight so time for bed! #
- Petabytes on a budget v2 – a really interesting storage article from @backblaze – http://t.co/DQstEpv #hpc (sort of) #
- MPs said yesterday that gay marriage "deserves to be laughed at and ridiculed." Join the fight for equality: http://t.co/AAYoKiX via @GetUp #
- .@MuseumVictoria open sources project for flora/fauna field guides for iPhones http://t.co/ab93Hh5 http://t.co/bMxdkGu #
- Happy birthday to @penguin_brian and to @kattekrab 🙂 #
- I just ousted Craig W. as the mayor of Victorian Partnership for Advanced Computing (VPAC) on @foursquare! http://t.co/kgaOX2j #
- Interesting #data project, the Australian Data Archive – http://t.co/O3s2ZNd – focused on historical and social data sets #
- I'm at Mountain Gate Indian & Nepalese Resturant (Shop 56 / 53 Ferntree Gully Rd, Ferntree Gully) http://t.co/uKAURXx #
- I just became the mayor of Mountain Gate Indian & Nepalese Resturant on @foursquare! http://t.co/mPCzsOb #
- The Oysterbands version of "World Turned Upside Down" is just awesome.. #
- Very sad day for @abcnews, 3 journalists killed in a helicopter crash last night, 1 died from pancreatic cancer today 🙁 #
- I just ousted @nuwishas_tail as the mayor of Grants Picnic Ground on @foursquare! http://t.co/zOjEWtY #
- Crank who targeted #science writers lured into threatening police – http://t.co/8sWE1JS #
- xfs_repair can cause issues with 7PB (yes, petabyte) sparse files.. http://t.co/7KALHJN via @sijoe #hpc #xfs #linux #
- 4 female crimson rosellas foraging around on the ground outside this window, about 5 feet from where I'm sitting.. 🙂 #
- Perfectly timed photo of a jet skier upside down in mid air by Peter on Flickr http://t.co/bC5SYxP #
- Upgraded my blog to #WordPress 3.2.1, shame the "new post" button has gone away from the main admin screen 🙁 #
- Otherwise the #WordPress 3.2.1 is looking pretty good! #
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