- Just listening to "Road Rage" by Catatonia – forgotten how good it was.. #
- The pitfalls of offshore #cloud (financial and legal) http://t.co/NmWAhyR via @zdnetaustralia #
- I just ousted Dave S. as the mayor of Melbourne Eastern Private Hospital on @foursquare! http://t.co/tZSlZAv #
- I just became the mayor of Tree Frog Cafe on @foursquare! http://t.co/uCiP8e9 #
- Just like they don't ? RT @Reuters: FLASH: China foreign ministry calls on Libya to "respect choice of Libyan people" #
- Alan Jones cannot abide being corrected on his incorrect statements, he has to attack the messenger http://t.co/tWkCe7B #
- Could find a HP Touchpad, but why get another device abandoned by its manufacturer? Already got an #N900 and an OpenMOKO. #
- Congrats to #hwloc team on getting first RC for hwloc 1.3 out, now includes PCI device info! http://t.co/G9VkIHY #hpc #
- I just unlocked the "Superstar" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/pHkDmyt #
- Do you use #AutoDock ? They are running a survey to plan out the next 5 years of their project – http://t.co/Kgi8kuC #
- Mixed feelings about Jobs stepping down – sad that he's ill, hopeful that his departure will make Apple less anti-social. #
- I just unlocked the "Bender" badge on @foursquare! http://t.co/VnDvbOT #
- "noticed how the modern world involves a great deal of suffering, misery and death? EFI fits into that world perfectly" @mjg59 #
- Happy birthday #Linux Yes I know it's the 26th here, but it's the 25th in the timezone where the original post was made.. #
- Off to try and see #KingTut @MelbourneMuseum, have to buy tickets there as TicketTek website is broken.. 🙁 #
- TicketTek claims "no shipping options for international customers" for #KingTut didn't think Dandenongs were that far.. #
- I'm at Tutankhamun Exhibition (Melbourne Museum, 11 Nicholson St., Carlton) http://t.co/52b1pYb #
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