- Melbourne summer morning – grass blowing in the wind at Lincoln Square in Carlton, on the way to work at VLSCI. http://t.co/fgC13ZcF #
- Why can't Android 2.3.3 phone see the CFA FireReady app my Galaxy Nexus can? Link from CFA site gives not found error too #
- Fact for the day: Papua New Guinea has 1 in 7 of the planets languages (@newscientist, 10th Dec 2011) #
- Why doesn't the IBM XL C++ compiler for BlueGene/P obey the CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH environment variable? It's meant to.. #hpc #
- "Do not edit below this line" – I laugh in the face of your pitiful warning Makefile! (Just needed to change -O3 to -O2) #
- anyone know if OVCC (Open Visual Communications Consortium – which @AARNet just joined) is pushing real open standards? #
- Or is OVCC just another vendor club pushing encumbered "open" standards? Their website is content free.. 🙁 #
- Rumour is that #VLSCI will be on a segment on the @abc730 program tonight.. #
- Swanston St Skyline http://t.co/WA92agMK #
- #Linux kernel 3.3-rc1 now tagged in git.. #
- A shame that the @CFA_Updates FIreReady app for Android crashes whenever it gets a push notification /cc @naturallybeing #
- Interesting @abcnews story about crackers using owned accounts to sell shares at high price to others http://t.co/siaAYWvV #
- Apparently the @abcnews weather people used this photo yesterday – shame I missed it! 🙂 http://t.co/fgC13ZcF #
- RT @ScienceCalendar Jan. 22, 1561-Birthday of philosopher Francis Bacon, formulated the principles of the scientific method. #
- At Fed Square waiting for @mikekuiper to arrive to go see Star Voyager at ACMI #
- The Light Side and the Dark Side http://t.co/UotAzd2l #
- Is it just me or is Google's AGPS system being particularly random this arvo? Keep popping up in Europe! #
- Played Quake at ACMI – did pretty well after not playing for many years + without keyboard config – fragged @mikekuiper #
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