- Must read nostalgia for other veterans "Hysterical Raisins, or What did you do in the OSI Wars, Daddy?" http://t.co/dCrzDn70 #
- Good to see the old uk-mail-managers list (created 23 years ago) still exists.. https://t.co/ETnidAZc #
- It'd be great if there were archives of the ukmm list around covering the OSI wars and .gb versus .uk – anyone ? #
- Hmm, is mmencode really only packaged as part of Xemacs in Ubuntu ? #
- Sacrificed 115MB of disk space to get one 12KB utility (at least temporarily) #
- It appears that the CrypTweet crypto is not that well implemented https://t.co/zgT3NwGv via @telecomix /cc @AlecMuffett #
- This looks like it deserves a good read – 'The Great #NBN Fail' from the ABC tech blog http://t.co/xgWcM7aN #
- Tweet 13,000 – whilst eating pizza with geeks with laptops.. 🙂 #
- Dear oh dear, are the #ALP deliberately trying to loose the next election to let an even worse bunch in? #auspol #
- Big thanks to the most excellent @smarthall who brought over his spare @freetronics LeoStick from LCA last night! 🙂 #
- Recent photos of 2 re-excavated Moai on Rapa Nui by @KJBar http://t.co/Vn9EzKI9 /cc @WorldArchaeo #archaeology #
- Wonder whether Telstra's route flaps or Optus's damping (despite being bad practice) caused more damage? http://t.co/yZA68jeF #
- Only way to use the latest Flash for Linux will be to use Chrome in future – http://t.co/8yYiIztI #
- My fab wife, @donna_williams, talks about her double mastectomy for breast #cancer and fashion! http://t.co/VBWCWF5b #
- I think @kruddmp is only challenging so he can get his old Twitter name back. #spill #
- OK Melbourne, you weren't meant to try to get to 37C until tomorrow – today was meant to be 35C not 36.9C! #
- .@kruddmp says @JuliaGillard has lost the peoples support – I guess he'd know, he lost last spill for that reason #respill #
- Personally I think the #ALP needs a 3rd candidate for PM, someone more interested in substance than spin #respill #
- So if @kruddmp wins on Monday he could let the Libs in by mistake http://t.co/Qum1bcwT #
- If you are running an #IPv6 tunnel to @henet then you may want to tweak your MTU – http://t.co/1QllikAk #
- RiP Dad, it's been 4 years but I still think of you. Thanks. #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/BlZ5TyED World's Largest Rope Swing #
- .@Donna_Williams and Anthony Julian (The Aspinauts) performing at the Belgrave Buskers Festival http://t.co/ZnH1CZda #
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