- Oh joy, another x.509 CA fail, this time with 2 Microsoft intermediate CA's compromised. Wonder how long they've been owned. #
- Partial lunar eclipse clouded out in Melbourne, hopefully better luck Wednesday morning for transit of Venus. #
- Survived yet another ERCP today, next one not until November or December. #
- Current #VLSCI #HPC utilisation – Bruce (SGI Altix XE): 98%, Merri (IBM iDataPlex): 98%, Tambo (IBM BlueGene/P): 100% #
- So at #VLSCI we currently have 9,965 cores in use out of a total of (precisely) 10,000 cores, so 99.6% busy! #hpc #
- You can tell it's the last month of the #VLSCI allocation quarter.. 🙂 #
- Any #HPC folks have contacts at Penguin Computing to let them know their http://t.co/X5jUSwnd website been down for ages? #
- Good view of first contact of #TransitOfVenus at Emerald, Victoria #
- Saw black drop through telescope with Hydrogen Alpha filter, good view of solar prominences too. #
- Transit of Venus, Emerald, Victoria http://t.co/BzPwZ91r #
- #TransitOfVenus through Hydrogen-Alpha solar telescope at Emerald, Victoria #tov http://t.co/38sWYby6 #
- I wonder if a human will ever see a #TransitOfEarth from Mars ? #
- #TransitOfVenus projection with binoculars onto paper. #tov http://t.co/VSoZpo35 #
- Fabulous #TransitOfVenus photo http://t.co/TOkKVwWC from SDO via (I think) @NASA_GoddardPix, probably my favourite #tov pic #
- Great movie from SDO of third contact of #TransitOfVenus http://t.co/dEe0gaMS #
- Sounds like #LinkedIn iThing app snarfs all your meeting details, wonder if Android version does same? http://t.co/qbQLZPZx #
- Fancy running a world class #supercomputer facility? My boss is retiring (sniff)! http://t.co/O5hccLua #hpc #vlsci #
- Mistaken for copper MT @mgdm
Attempted subsea cable theft takes out phones and internet in Highlands http://t.co/CxVr28df # - #RIP Alan #Turing died 7th June 1954, victim of prejudice http://t.co/4dxkWG6U #
- #VLSCI BlueGene/Q "Avoca" cabled up, powered up and in testing in just 5 days! #hpc http://t.co/Q3SKfca4 #
- Nearly there lads! – A photo from the delivery of the #VLSCI #IBM Bluegene/Q, "Avoca". http://t.co/97iaKxZR #
- First site of our first BG/Q rack. http://t.co/6TEzYEcU #
- "I for one welcome our new supercomputer overlords" – paying homage to VLSCI's new IBM BlueGene/Q http://t.co/Ho6OLuhK #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/HzF2c4Jo Make your own Archery targets. #
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