- Lots of people complaining about cost cutting @ The Age. I wonder how many buy it? If you don't then you're the cause.. #
- OK, Firefox Auto-Refresh extension installed, @top500supercomp June 2012 list page selected, auto-refresh 1 minute. #hpc #
- Ooh, the @top500supercomp website is currently being updated! 🙂 #top500 #isc2012 #
- New #Top500 is out, #VLSCI is #31 with Avoca, our BG/Q! Sequoia at LLNL is #1 with 16PF #hpc #isc2012 #
- Actually #VLSCI is really tied for the #29 place in #top500 with EDF and IDRIS/GENCI in France.. 🙂 #hpc #
- Australia – #31 (VLSCI), #139 (NCI/ANU), #156 (CSIRO), #248 iVEC), #301 (graphics company), #454 (Defence) on #top500 #hpc #
- Bug in #Linux RAID/MD code can lose config for assembling arrays on reboot http://t.co/F0tC0ybp via @lwnnet #
- Microsoft launched tablets, ARM will have secure boot but x86 one should allow secure boot to be disabled. #Linux anyone? #
- Wow, #earthquake in #Melbourne #
- So that #melbquake beats my first experience of an earthquake in Tokyo in 2000.. #
- Sigh, the Geoscience Australia earthquake site is already down.. 🙁 #
- USGS puts epicenter of #melbquake between Trafalgar and Narracan near Moe in Gippsland. #earthquake #
- Could @774melbourne + @abc_investigate look at why Geoscience Australia's site failed making people to use USGS? #melbquake #
- In other earthshattering news (sorry), it's just 3C outside at the moment.. almost getting cold! #
- ALP (and I presume Liberal/National coalition given it was their idea) are committed to unconstitutional school chaplains #
- Interesting times, @fusionio have now picked up 2 key #btrfs developers, Chris from Oracle and @josefbacik from Red Hat. #
- Just over 1/3rd way through Homo Britannicus by Chris Stringer, learned 2 new terms already: "vole clock" and "alder carr" #
- Analysis of flint tool reworking by early Neanderthals in Channel Islands shows ratio of right to left handers same as now #
- Just under 47 seconds to compile Perl 5.16.0 with make -j on our 32 core Power7 box (BG/Q service node). 🙂 #
- Pulling my hair out – why does a RHEL6 #Linux NFSv4 mount not permit suid binaries to run on the client? (errno=-EACCES) #
- User got free 30%+ speed boost running Trinity when I asked them to move from HSM filesystem to scratch filesystem 🙂 #hpc #
- Journalists covering #top500 IBM BlueGene/Q does *NOT* run #Linux it runs IBM Compute Node Kernel (CNK). #hpc #
- Only the BlueGene/Q IO nodes and support infrastructure (service nodes and front end nodes) run #RHEL6 #Linux. #hpc #
- Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Linux, but I prefer reporting of it (on the #top500 to be accurate. #
- Just because the #Top500 website says IBM BlueGene/Q runs #Linux doesn't make it true.. #hpc #
- Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan of Linux, but I prefer reporting of it (on the #top500 and elsewhere) to be accurate. #
- Belgrave Lantern Parade http://t.co/wGTsTt3s #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/DUnMqASL UNDER MILK WOOD. #
- Volunteers needed for annual lyrebird survey in Sherbooke Forest http://t.co/DP0GcOlv #
- Gluten free dairy free lemon biscuits and ginger biscuits! 🙂 http://t.co/TuIAWgqp #
- Italianette Maroondah Reflections – Maroondah Dam, Healesville http://t.co/1oQmcaOy #
- Walk Into The Light – Maroondah Dam, Healesville http://t.co/bEBI6R7u #
- Lyrebirds prove they're masters of mimicry http://t.co/kaeBes4o #abcmobile #
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