The graphics hardware in the Neo Freerunner (Glamo) is missing support for some of its 3D support, and so the OpenMoko folks are looking for developers who can help them out with this:
Having said that, if someone wants to seriously develop for the glamo, please get in touch with me and we will find a legally correct way to extend the smedia documentation to you.
In fact we have done that in a few cases before already, but I’m not sure how much actual codes have come out of that. I think very little 😉 So we need some really serious coders that don’t mind a tough challenge.
Looks like another person to contact might be Graeme Gregory:
Over the next few weeks I shall be working on Xglamo to bring it into the Xorg family of drivers. If people come up with interesting patches while I am working on this I can certainly give them a tryout.