Oh joy, the BBC is reporting…
Users of the world’s most common web browser have been advised to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed.
It’s yet another security hole in Internet Exploder, this time a heap overflow that works against IE 7 as well as IE 6 and the betas of IE8.
It’s being actively exploited too (again from the Beeb):
As many as 10,000 websites have been compromised since last week to take advantage of the security flow (sic), said antivirus software maker Trend Micro.
I’m pretty sure the writer meant flaw, not flow.. 🙂
ROFL!!! Thank goodness I use Firefox as my main browser (and I’ve used it since 2004). Will they ever get the security right?
actually Firefox 3 had the same security issue and was patched the same day MS released their patch, maybe Opera or Safari would be a better choice!