Wow, what a day, according to the Melbourne Uni graph of the temperatures reported by the Bureau of Met we broke the record of 45.6C set in 1939 on Black Friday by almost another degree, peaking at 46.4C (so far). At least there is a cool change on the way and thankfully no lives lost in the fires (so far).
Max to now: 46.4°C @ 15:04 | Min to now: 24.0°C @ 6:55
If you think that’s bad Avalon got to 47.9C before then!
Update: The cool change just arrived – the new graph above shows a drop of 15C in 10 minutes!
Update 2: There are now unconfirmed reports of casualties from the CFA, according to a CFA officer on ABC 774. They are trying to verify those reports. The cool change has caused them problems and loss of properties.
I want a cool change, dammit!
Although a world where a 15 degree cool change drops the temperature into the regime of “still horrible” is just sick.
Bring back winter!