Pretty scary listening to ABC 774:
- At least 181
166135842514people have been killed according to police, with fears that it might be as many as 20010040 - Over 700
80homes lost around the state - According to the ABC the town of Marysville (where we used to have a house) has been wiped out with as many as 50-100 fatalities according to some sources. (video)
only one building is left standing. - 7 acute patients were evactuated from Beechworth hospital, but the power issue has now been solved.
Beechworth hospital may need to be evacuated as the power is now off there, they’re trying to get generators on - Concerns for the communications tower on Mt Stanley
Unconfirmed fatalities reported by CFA and the ambulance service, Victoria Police are apparently about to do a press release
“ABC Aerial photo of what’s left of Marysville
Useful links:
- Red Cross appeal for victims of the 2009 bushfires
- Google Australia mashup of CFA incident reports (all types, not just bushfires)
- DSE major incident summary
- VicRoads Bushfire road closures
- ABC bushfire info blog
- CFA major incident updates
- CFA incident summary
View of bushfires from Doncaster in the north of Melbourne, submitted by Chris Mulherin
You two stay safe now !
I’d send you some of our snow if I could 😉
I found it pretty scary watching the footage on Sky News and BBC News. The first thing I thought was ‘I hope Donna and Chris are all right’.
Meanwhile in the south east of England, they are peeved by the snow. They should count themselves lucky compared with the Victorians facing the bushfires. The worst they [south east England] are facing is not getting to work, rather than their houses being burnt, or the loss of loved ones.
Having seen the latest news that smiley on my original comment looks highly inappropriate now, no offence intended.