- A toilet breaking when you've 13 people is bad enough, but in orbit it's a little more fun! http://bit.ly/h4w2Q #iss #
- Off to see Donna perform in "Footsteps of a Nobody" at Carlton Courthouse tonight (8pm) http://bit.ly/wgxPT -come along! #
- Here's a neat idea on what to do with old HDDs :- ) – RT @alecmuffett http://twitpic.com/azm46 – 35Gb roof decoration #
- QOTD "If you want even the nerds to consider you a nerd, try getting enthusiastic about bicycle gearing" http://bit.ly/12z6ex #
- RT @skwashd: troubleshooting network issues in china is soo much fun. getting some idea of what conroy wants australias internet to be like. #
- Awesome website of space info – Saturn V timeline is great – http://www.astronautix.com/lvs/saturnv.htm #space #
- Canonical have open sourced Launchpad under the AGPL v3 http://bit.ly/xjT8d – via Phoronix – http://bit.ly/uqUeJ #
- Helping a friend – alternatives to jailbreaking an iPhone to unlock one on O2 in the UK ? http://bit.ly/15IOYC #iphone #
- anyone know any good docs on using (as opposed to building) the Milepost #GCC compiler ? http://bit.ly/19UmK0 #lazyweb #
- Geek = watch 1M #KDE SVN commit. Geek++ = watch via IRC. Extreme geek = video IRC for those who missed it http://bit.ly/DtffU #
- Hint: if selling servers to a browser company check IPMI web interface doesnt forbid their browser – http://bit.ly/7ScvG #
- RT @skydiver Wanna feel old? SuperSoaker just released their 20th Anniversary edition water gun. Sigh. #
- I want my, I want my, I want my #KDE RC3 (with apologies to Dire Straights) #
- RT @cafuego New Blag: LCA – Now easier to visit than ever http://ur1.ca/7sbu #conference #lca2010 #linux.conf.au #opensource #
- RT @sijoe New blog post: Itanic sinks at SGI http://scalability.org/?p=1758 #
- Appears that you can't search for images in portrait/landscape orientations in #digikam ! 🙁 http://bit.ly/lIw76 #kde #
- At last, a new #DamnInteresting article! Steely-Eyed Hydronauts of the Mariana http://bit.ly/167CbX #
- Finally a convincing explanation for why Sarah Palin resigned! http://bit.ly/6HzQa 🙂 #
- Lovely little low-budget live cover of "I am the Eggman" by Anthony, a friend of ours.. 😉 http://bit.ly/13nszi #
- Oops – meant to tweet that "I am the Eggman" video http://bit.ly/13nszi by Anthony as #beatles ! #
- Nice comparison of security issues in email attachments vs emailing a link by Steve Bellovin – http://bit.ly/M2UcH #
- Appears the #Microsoft #GPL #Linux driver release was forced on them due to a GPL compliance issue – http://bit.ly/yVNwN #
- EU paper on how #Microsoft monopolises markets through anti-competitive means – http://bit.ly/X73OX (via Chris Smart) #
- #LCA2010 Call for Papers deadline extended until Friday 31st July! #lca #linux.conf.au #conference #opensource #linux #
- w00t – #KDE 4.3 RC3 has hit the #Kubuntu Jaunty backports – downloading 500+MB of packages now.. #ubuntu #
- Congratulations to @Planck and @EuroSpaceAgency on the successful commissioning of @Planck! http://bit.ly/OKyLX #
- RIP Harry Patch – last surviving British soldier to fight in the trenches – http://bit.ly/43Zbyc #
- BBC #obituary of Harry Patch, 111, last British survivor of #WW1 – http://bit.ly/xSMNE #
- Off to see Donna and the Aspinauts play at Glitch Bar in Fitzroy North (starts 8pm, $5 for 3 bands) http://bit.ly/JwZwc #
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It provides little value to blog a reference to an event that happened a week ago or a day ago.
Why don’t you blog about Donna’s future performances? Then maybe some interested blog readers will attend them.
That’s an automatic weekly summary of my Twitter messages – am somewhat behind with blogging so best place to keep up with things *before* I go to them is Twitter (at the moment).. 😉
Regardless of where it came from, it’s a blog post now. I believe that I am one of many people who won’t read your twitter feed. But I am interested in news of Donna’s performances and plan to see one eventually.
I think I sort of understand.. The reason for not blogging about them in advance is mostly due to lack of time on my part. 🙁
The best place to find out about upcoming band gigs is on the bands MySpace page (no, it’s not that bad) and for speaking and art stuff then you want to check out Donna’s events page on her website.