- "PayPal Conversion Rate as of 13 Dec 2009: 1 Australian Dollar = 0 US Dollars" #fail 🙂 #
- Hooray for #Texas! (yes, really) Putting common sense above prejudice. http://bit.ly/61nMeI #
- ABC: #Australia accused of cooking the carbon books – http://bit.ly/4TDNNV – by trying to exclude "extraordinary events" #
- Friday I handed in my notice at #VPAC, am moving in January to Uni of Melbourne to work on big #HPC @ the #VLSCI project! #
- Octopus tool use "I almost drowned laughing when I saw this the first time" Dr Finn, Museum Victoria – http://bit.ly/5D0qcQ #
- Could #Microsoft have been caught ripping someone else's code off again ? This time it's #Plurk – http://bit.ly/4Jh4on (via @arjenlentz) #
- Enex report on mandatory #Internet #censorship in #Australia is mirrored here courtesy of @tardis_42- http://bit.ly/8O3RsW #
- I wonder if this hardware issue affects production #N900's ? (blog is about a pre-production one) http://bit.ly/6imCY7 #
- Dear @KevinRuddPM – due to lack of action on climate change and this crazy Internet censorship scheme I'm voting #green #
- Australian Christian Lobby now wants filtering in .au of "other harmful X and R-rated material on the internet" #nocleanfeed #
- Seen any odd toads in your potted plants recently ? ABC is reporting "#Melbourne on cane toad alert" http://bit.ly/5ZFJzH #
- Woman has to use male pen name to get decent treatment for her writing 🙁 http://bit.ly/7oyxDw via @FindingAda @kattekrab #
- .@skwashd whilst I agree @KevinRuddPM is a pest cane toads are also pretty bad for us if they get a foothold here #
- Today it made it to over 39C (102F) in #Melbourne, hottest day since the Black Saturday bushfires last January #
- I've had a comment that a person saw 10+ retweets of a message by me, but I can't see any evidence, anyone else seen this ? #
- 1st century CE burial shroud found in Jerusalem, believed typical, much simpler than Turin shroud – http://bit.ly/4MoRGO #
- .@NewScientist debunks the Daily Express's claims that #globalwarming is natural and not man-made – http://bit.ly/7HGPJ9 #
- RT @wilw: The best thing about #Avatar is that it imagines a world where a program to breed Thundercats with Smurfs has been successful. #
- Just marked 15 of @donna_williams paintings sold in her gallery – wow! http://bit.ly/4PBCNa #
- Sumerians Look On In Confusion As God Creates World – http://bit.ly/52JGTz – gotta love @TheOnion 😉 #
- Now grabbing @CFA_INCIDENTS twitter feed via RSS as new official #CFA RSS feed is broken (all entries have the same GUID) #
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