- Spent most of day playing around with Coccinelle, semantic patching tool, using it for bug reports in Torque and Open-MPI #
- Tarrytown Music Hall http://twitpic.com/1kmvce #
- IBM Thomas Watson Research Laboratory, Yorktown Heights http://twitpic.com/1kra5d #
- Spent a chunk of spare time playing with Coccinelle recently, reported issues it found to Torque, Open-MPI and HWLOC so far! #
- Mark finishing lunch! http://twitpic.com/1l3n7u #
- Mark trying to finish a "monster" brownie http://twitpic.com/1l3ngt #
- The BP oil slick from space – RT @Astro_Soichi Oil spill of Gulf of Mexico, USA. http://twitpic.com/1laxzu #
- Trying to get my head around configuring slurm for BlueGene/P emulation on my laptop, not getting far! 🙁 #
- You must have #Facebook #039;s written permission to crawl the site, despite robots.txt, or they'll sue – http://bit.ly/d0PZeu #
- Hat tip to @adriana872 for the link to that story on #Facebook #039;s legal stupidity and heavy handedness about web crawling #
- Seem to have Slurm believing that my laptop is a 8192 core #IBM BlueGene/P system, but can't tell if it's the right layout 🙁 #
- Time to sign off from Tarrytown, car pickup at 3pm to go to JFK and then on QF108 to LAX to overnight there #
- Hybrid car parking only http://twitpic.com/1ljs94 #
- All non-Africans have small (different) bits of Neanderthal DNA in us http://bit.ly/cLUAWa (via @newscientist) #
- Arrived safely in LA, now in the Holiday Inn somewhat brain dead… 🙂 #
- "This election looks to have had a truly dreadful outcome for science" – Mark Henderson http://bit.ly/dtFTZU #ge2010 #
- So LibDems got almost a quarter of the vote, and less than 10% of the seats http://bit.ly/cSy2aM (via @fooishbar) #ge2010 #
- Just checked out of the Holiday Inn waiting for a friend to pick me up, flying back to Melbourne tonight on A380 QF94 #
- Good news from one of the #IBM #039;ers at Watson who will be working with us at #VLSCI his Aussie visa just came through! #
- Found the #N900 browser can archive a full webpage, just grabbed the two weekly @lwnnet issues I missed to read on plane #
- Landed safely at Tullamarine, just waiting for the aerobridges to be connected 🙂 #
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