Note to self for next time I can’t remember how to get spacers to work in Typo3 menus when using the htmlcssstyling front end extension..
Need to edit typo3conf/ext/htmlcssstyling/static/setup.txt
and add to each of the menu sections:
# Activate Spacer
SPC = 1
SPC.doNotShowLink = 0
SPC.doNotLinkIt = 1
SPC.allWrap =|
It doesn’t seem to work if you add it into the TS setup sections of the templates. To be fair it does say in the docs that:
Spacer’ is only meaningfull if your frontend navigation is programmed to use it. In this case it does not represent a page with content but is intended to be a non-clickable placeholder in the navigation.
Which, presumably, is precisely what the above code is doing in that setup.txt
Also need to remember to add entries to the CSS for the “spacer” class to get them to format any text correctly.
I was able to put the above code into the template setup – to hide the spacer page title, I used code like this:
SPC = 1
SPC.doNotShowLink = 0
SPC.doNotLinkIt = 1
SPC.allWrap =
the allWrap property here “hides” the title in an html comment.