- I just ousted John F. as the mayor of Angliss Hospital on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/5uCMnN #
- Not sure if I should be proud of being a major of a hospital in 4square 🙂 Wonder if they're going to let me out today? #
- Just been moved to new room on same ward so they can have a ladies only room. Still no news whether I get out today.. #
- Battery low, no charger, last tweet for a while.. #
- OK still in hospital, they want to keep an eye on a small amount of bile caught by the drain. All other vital signs good! #
- In other news: new hospital bed has view of Mt Dandenong. It's same one I ended up in a few months ago! #
- I wonder which will get to 1,000 unread emails first, home or work? …and no, that's not a challenge! #
- Hmm, I suspect none of the various TV stations at this hospital are covering the final shuttle launch.. 🙁 #
- Less than 2 hours to launch of STS-134, final mission of space #shuttle #Endeavour (Atlantis is meant to fly STS-135) #
- Couldn't watch the #Endeavour launch on @NASA TV because of stupid Flash. They require 10 but this phone only has 9. Grr.. #
- Endeavour is in orbit, now chasing the #ISS 🙂 #
- Another day in hospital, not going home today.. (@ Angliss Hospital) http://4sq.com/lOfcH0 #
- Looks like I'm going to be here for a while yet.. (@ Angliss Hospital) http://4sq.com/ilj16e #
- Gah if it's not one thing it's another with this body, now my temperature is up (38C) #
- For people who asked for an update there's more on the blog post here.. http://www.csamuel.org/2011/05/12/adventures-in-hospital/ #
- Progress, since early yesterday evening now allowed sips of water (otherwise nil oral), no news on blood culture tests yet #
- They have spigotted my nasal-gastric tube! This is a good thing they tell me. 🙂 #
- So it was my home email that got to 1,000 unread emails first (though I've been deleting ZenOSS alerts from it) #
- D'oh, meant to say deleting ZenOSS alerts from work email.. 🙂 #
- View through my hospital window of Mount Dandenong http://flic.kr/p/9KBuc8 #
- Status update: nasal-gastro tube gone, suction drain replaced with bag. Downside is I have a temperature. #
- On this day in 1826 The Beagle left Plymouth on her first voyage (pre-Darwin), first captain went mad and shot himself #
- Wikipedia is great for keeping you sane in hospital #
- For 5 years from 1627 the Ottoman flag flew over Lundy Island in the UK when it was occupied by Barbary Pirates. #
- They have taken the drip out for fluids! Will still be used for IV antibiotics.. #
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I don’t know, is this better or worse than getting stuck behind 1,000 emails?
Anyway, apologies for not getting in to see you over the weekend – we were working on the affidavits for our latest crusade, which, if you don’t get the Age in hospital, is http://www.theage.com.au/national/carer-revisits-battleground-of-annies-coming-out-20110509-1efv6.html.
All very like Anne’s fight, thirty-two years later, to the day…
But enough of our troubles, let’s just sympathise. You don’t seem to be getting the breaks, do you? It’s like that Calvin and Hobbes cartoon,
On the other hand, you got through the rapture unscathed, which is more than can be said of some:
which is a pity because it was otherwise a good laugh.
Anyway, you can now be certain that you wouldn’t have survived to your current age in any other era than this. As Alfred Duggan said, medieval people were quite healthy; the average man had only one serious illness in his life.
I don’t want to tempt fate, but get well….
I obviously tempted fate.
You do seem to be auditioning for an episode of House, don’t you?