- Note to self, when troubleshooting audio issues always ensure speakers are turned on first.. 🙂 #
- Mag 5.2 and 6.0 aftershocks in Christchurch – stay safe people.. 🙁 http://bit.ly/iJoIsi #eqnz #
- Out for a walk. (@ Cranbourne Royal Botanical Gardens) http://4sq.com/jXAAxt #
- "There is no asylum seeker problem – the only problem is how we, as Australians, treat asylum seekers" – Malcolm Fraser #
- Excellent example of how collecting information apparently pointless at the time can inform history http://bo.st/k6m2A3 #
- Hat tip to @alecmuffett for pointer to that article – with those sorts of lists might be able to track spread of memes #
- Dear #lazyweb how do I tell trace why a particular function (unused in the code) is being referenced on RHEL/CentOS 5.6? #
- I.e. building #hwloc trunk on RHEL5.6 results in a link error due to referencing __res_query(), doesn't happen on other distros #
- .@terryandrob has received consent papers for assisted suicide in Switzerland, essentially just in case http://t.co/rkBqPAv #
- A new open source compiler – formerly commercial #PathScale EKOPath4 compiler now open sourced! http://bit.ly/j2EXg0 #hpc #
- #VPAC have upcoming #HPC training courses in Melbourne http://www.vpac.org/services/training #
- #PathScale EKOPath4 compiler will appear alongside their other projects here http://github.com/pathscale via @CTOPathScale #
- I just ousted Gabrielle R. as the mayor of Cafe Have Ya Bean on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/ghe4Gc #
- Morning coffee! (@ Cafe Have Ya Bean) http://4sq.com/ldFpvi #
- Good article from The Age on the uncertain future of the Australian #Synchrotron – http://bit.ly/loUTr4 #science #
- Sigh, why on earth are #glite shipping a positively ancient, obsolete & apparently broken version of Torque? 🙁 #hpc #
- Gah, bloody #Ubuntu yama ptrace settings break KDE's crash debugging system, even with kernel.yama.ptrace_scope=0 active 🙁 #
- Time for an early night I think.. #
- Congrats to @steve_evil for his part in getting the linux.conf.au domain to live all year round! http://bit.ly/irCPuF #
- Early dinner with Donna before she goes off to Auslan 🙂 (@ Honey Thai) http://4sq.com/lWu5gi #
- I just ousted Kieran as the mayor of Honey Thai on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/cH7Jy4 #
- Time Team time! 🙂 #
- Camel by Kororoit Creek – photographed by @MelbourneWater staff on May 15th – well spotted! http://flic.kr/p/9Jy5sM #
- How can Barry Humphries defend Donald Friend's abuse of Balinese children as "benevolent pedophilia" ? http://bit.ly/ifahfn #
- Jakarta Post article on Kerry Nagara's film about Donald Friend & Barry Humphries et. al defence http://bit.ly/lcX2N5 #
- I'm at Kofi Beans http://4sq.com/l7Wa2r #
- I'm at Cardinia Reservoir Park http://4sq.com/kKfOPc #
- First CCC curry for months! (@ Classic Curry Company) http://4sq.com/j5PkFv #
- Flying visit to say "hi" after curry (@ Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI)) http://4sq.com/ip6haa #
- Today's experiment: travel by train into CBD and walk to Classic Curry Company to surprise #VLSCI & #VPAC ppl – worked 🙂 #
- "This photo was taken some time in 1843 using a Canon EOS 5D Mark II." – historical image on @Flickr http://bit.ly/lkIWIG #
- BBC News article on The Specials classic hit Ghost Town – still sounding as good as in 1981 http://bbc.in/iyVSSJ #music #
- At the Belgrave Lantern Parade! (@ Belgrave) http://4sq.com/m0NPTg #
- Just watched 'A Not So Still Life' – inspiring doco about @GinnyRuffner: artist, inquiring mind + fiercely independent #
- .@GinnyRuffner is a lot like my fab wife @Donna_Williams: overcame adversity, independent + artistically reaching further #
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