- #IBM #GPFS HSM policies require m4 to be installed for them to be pre-processed, but #BlueGene P I/O nodes don't have m4! #
- With #Meego #N900 CE is it possible to install the current stable and pick up updates via yum or it's equivalent? #
- Or do you have to reflash to a new image when it's released ? #Meego #N900 Community Edition (CE) #
- #Linux kernel 3.0-rc5 is now out with some more #btrfs fixes in it #
- Good to see @AARNET trialling 40Gb/s here, puzzled to see it described as breakthrough given 100Gb/s was in use for #SC10 #
- …and to whoever designed the #OpenFOAM build system – please NEVER EVER touch a computer again! #
- #OpenFOAM designers: (1) make should abort on build errors by default (2) default to using system provided MPI, etc! #
- Read Nick Weir's piece @ABCTheDrum about the new chief scientist, don't have a clue what he's on about http://bit.ly/kGGsOC #
- I think he was trying to say that it doesn't make sense to have a chief scientist in that science doesn't work like that #
- But that's just a guess from what he wrote… #
- Testing the KDE plasmoid microblogging applet in KDE 4.6 #
- Downloading the #Meego 1.2 #N900 DE summer release to play with having found an 8GB uSD card to play with #
- Interesting, @sijoe has been playing with some Corsair SSD's and found that hot swapping them kills them irrevocably.. #
- Downloading the latest daily Meego #N900 CE image – the one I downloaded last night was from May, oops! 🙂 #
- I'm at Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) (187 Grattan St, Bouverie St, Carlton) http://4sq.com/kD9NVK #
- I'm at Nasi Lemak House (115 Grattan St, Carlton) http://4sq.com/kwnvOb #
- I'm at Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) (187 Grattan St, Bouverie St, Carlton) http://4sq.com/mpBLS5 #
- I need a bigger tea cup, it doesn't last long enough to get back to my desk.. #
- I'm at Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative (VLSCI) (187 Grattan St, Bouverie St, Carlton) http://4sq.com/jgrIYU #
- The default Windows XP desktop image is on Highway 121 in Napa County, CA, USA (via @PetaPixel) – Streetview anyone ? #
- Sent 2 invites for Google Plus (thanks folks!) but can't get in because they've "temporarily exceeded our capacity" :-/ #
- Nice review of @Donna_Williams #autism textbook 'The Jumbled Jigsaw' from PsycCRITIQUES of the #APA http://bit.ly/mImOjp #
- First pizza for a *long* time.. (@ Pizza Piazza) http://4sq.com/iy4bv4 #
- Walking (@ Lysterfield Lake) http://4sq.com/lV0fr9 #
- I just unlocked the "Swimmies" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/lfuZsV #
- Adrift at Lysterfield Lake Park http://flic.kr/p/9Z3omj #
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