- DELETE FROM wp_commentmeta WHERE comment_id NOT IN (SELECT comment_id FROM wp_comments); /* Dump junk info from akismet */ #
- That SQL statement took my wp_commentmeta table down from 47MB to less than 1MB in size.. #
- More on that #WordPress #Akismet here – http://t.co/3kLgfwzD #
- My wonderful wife @donna_williams has done her 4th and final chemotherapy last Thursday and is doing well! #
- Problem is, I've now come down with a cold onmy week off to be here with her! 🙁 #
- Commited changes to #Vacation #039;s git to support DESTDIR and to use /usr/share/man not /usr/man #WelcomeTo20thCentury #
- The rumble you can hear in the sky #Melbourne It's not just a thunderstorm, it's Joe Frazier + Henry Cooper warming up.. #
- Time to shut computers down and unplug them.. #
- Just saw beautiful kingfisher on Greenlink section of Koonung Creek with @donna_williams! #
- Added "make gitpackage" target to #Vacation so I don't have to remember git-archive magic for a tarball every time. 🙂 #
- Aus Christian Lobby's petition to block marriage equality is growing – sign ours and demand equality! http://t.co/kIr2SvQO via @GetUp #
- Very busy week of being ill, looking after Donna being ill and rearranging the house as part of a big spring clean! #
- At the Anne McDonald Centre (formerly DEAL Communication Center) birthday party http://t.co/4oBacS7x #
- Great talk by Marie Ireland and very funny (and ever so accurate) talk by @abcrampup at Anne McDonald Centre launch! #
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