- Spent afternoon at friends 80th birthday party, great time. No need to eat for a while! 🙂 http://t.co/aTYgcl9J #
- #archaeology wrap up blog about dig at St Lythan's burial chamber in South #Wales http://t.co/1SrGACK8 #
- Performing summon $COURIER spell, making a pot of tea thereby ensuring being called to a different building for delivery #
- http://t.co/P5iJVm9R MT @sijoe I can replace my ridiculously complex Apache log parser logic with a single Regex … WOOT!!! #
- Summon $COURIER spell worked, though they (again) ignored the instruction to phone 15 mins before getting here.. #
- Interesting to see that the European Synchrotron is migrating from RHEL/Centos to @debian #Linux https://t.co/7eIITu4p #
- Anyone know how to get updatenode in #xCAT to copy dangling symlinks to managed nodes? It uses rsync under the covers.. #
- .@MobiCity friend of mine has ordered a pair of GN's from you last night because you're firmware flash friendly, well done! #
- #Melbourne urban sunset from a @metrotrains train http://t.co/p9v6VlRS #
- Channelling query from #lwloc developers, has "inline" always been a part of C++? Need good source to confirm/refute. #
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