- Image on "Britain from Above" website appears to be HMS Argonaut being broken up in Milford Haven http://t.co/aVTIlqiB #
- "Oppenheimer said that tea (time) is where we explain to each other what we do not understand." #
- I've signed the @EFF's software patent petition at https://t.co/UQHPjPpb, have you? #patents #swpats #
- RIP Eugeni Dodonov, Intel Haswell #Linux video device driver developer, killed in a bicycle accident in Brazil. #
- Great news that @NLWales managed to buy C14th manuscript of Laws of Hywel FDA to bring home to Wales http://t.co/jzu9UFmj #
- I just love finding GPL'd scientific code that has routines copied in which say "may not be distributed to third parties" #
- Any #astronomy folks in #Melbourne interested in doing talks for members of the Mount Burnettt Observatory, near Emerald? #
- Bloke on train with laptop covered in stickers for #FSF #LibreOffice anti-DRM, etc..Sadly didn't get a chance to say hi. #
- Dear #ALP perhaps you should be focusing on differentiating yourself from Liberals, not Greens? #auspol #JustSaying #
- Home Linux PC is unwell, just logging in causes it to reset. Suspect it succumbed to heat damage from leap second load. #
- OK #Melbourne tweeps, where on earth can I find someone reputable who stocks Intel LGA775 CPUs (and has them in stock)? #
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