- Happy 21st birthday to @AlecMuffett's Crack "the sensible password cracker"! Now I feel really old.. 🙂 #
- Glorious #NASA @apod today, gigapixel combined image of Orion Nebula. #astronomy #space #
- Free access to British scientific research to be available within two years http://t.co/tuiNO7Bi via @guardian #
- Please read this PDF letter to Australian politicians from over 200 researchers of refugees http://t.co/oXDHaawr #auspol #
- I appear to have the #Android 4.1 Jelly Bean release available for my Samsung Galaxy Nexus 🙂 #
- I can haz #Android 4.1.1… and it's fast! 🙂 #
- Don't like fact you no longer get punctuation on word autocomplete in #android 4.1? Turn off next word prediction (1/2) #
- Next word prediction is under input->advanced in the settings menu. (2/2) #
- Also odd it no longer autospaces on autocomplete, but inserts space on next letter. Wonder if that's an Apple patent? 🙁 #
- Awesome ASCII art pie charts generated directly in #MySQL http://t.co/s7ywq3MB via @BrettPemberton offline #
- In Europe 90% of health claims about food fail independent analysis http://t.co/6mwi8tB1 (via @CancerCouncilOz) #
- So glad there isn't a god because if there was they would be an utter bastard given what they're putting 2 friends through. #
- Steve Mann (@Hydraulist) assaulted by Paris @McDonalds staff for wearing augmented vision glasses http://t.co/PUXPKl9d #
- Pawsey Supercomputer Centre in Western Australia goes Cray for petascale supercomputer for #SKA http://t.co/b1fSBMkp #hpc #
- Ironically there's nothing on the @Cray_Inc, @iVEC_WA or ASKAP websites about the new Pawsey #HPC nor from @MinEvansMedia #
- So the 1.2PF Cray #hpc system at @ivec_wa for Pawsey will be "supplied by Cray, SGI and Oracle" – er?? #
- Now a paid up member of the Sherbrooke Archers (and hence Archery Australia)! Starting to get used to the horse bow. 🙂 #
- Congrats to Mount Burnett Observatory, granted $2700 by @BendigoBank towards 5 portable telescopes for public outreach! #
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