- Oh wow, I think this is the first @MarsCuriosity ChemCam image of the surface of Mars http://t.co/uYUrZLfw #MSL #
- Old blog post of mine about #Linux on SMP PPro bug got reddit'ed (first time for me that I know of) http://t.co/NGxEhTpt #
- To misquote the old (UK) Tango drink TV commercial – "You know when you've been reddit'ed" 🙂 #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/NwyCAW9C MARDI Image #
- "Welcome to Perl/Linux. A Linux distribution where ALL programs are written in perl." – http://t.co/x1F8W9uM 🙂 #perl #
- Someone is planning to subdivide the old Carlton United Brewery in #Melbourne http://t.co/hrXAJQjw /cc @PlanningAlerts #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/Cnrp3fbB AR.Drone 2 Schloss Alsbach #
- The film of the book of #NobodyNowhere written by my wonderful wife @donna_williams now has a Twitter account @NNTheFilm! #
- Lovely @NASA @apod today of star and planet trails of conjunction taken at Lake Eppalock in central Victoria. #space #
- The #Open MPI project now has a git mirror of their SVN repo on Github http://t.co/4fVJ9vR9 #hpc #mpi #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/z3KD70S1 Robot Quadrotors Perform James Bond Theme #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/MkWgA7qq A Capella Science – Rolling in the Higgs (Adele Parody) #
- Tranquility Base, the Eagle has flown.. #RIP Neil Armstrong #WinkAtTheMoon #
- One small step – the transcript of that famous moment – http://t.co/vdunUbdB #WinkAtTheMoon #RIP #NeilArmstrong #
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