- Dealing with lawyers about software licenses gives me a headache. #HealthBenefitsOfFreeSoftware #
- To clarify an earlier tweet… #
- Dealing with lawyers about proprietary software licenses gives me a headache. #HealthBenefitsOfFreeSoftware #
- Happy 21st birthday #Linux I remember you when you were just 2. 🙂 #
- Two great oxymorons from UK politics overnight: "English baccalaureate" and "digital original" #
- I suppose we should be grateful that the lawyers for the royal family didn't ask for the negatives to the digital photos #
- Hooray, both ECG and ultrasound OK, still waiting on some blood test results to arrive. #
- Bad news: only now have time for first coffee of the day. Good news: it's at Seven Seeds. 🙂 #
- Good to see the whole python-iview #ABC cease-n-desist silliness getting some good twitter love.. 🙂 /cc @jeremyvisser #
- Today is #talklikeapirateday also a day for statistics programmers who use aRrrrr.. #IllGetMeCoat #
- Waiting for electricians. Already 30 mins late. I don't think either of them were named Godot.. #
- Trivia: the quintessential Australian phrase "Thank your mother for the rabbits" is in Chapter 15 of "Ulysses" by J. Joyce #
- See the letters page of the October 2006 Ozwords PDF from ANU: http://t.co/oseYaV12 for that "rabbits" reference #
- Tonight I shall mostly be accepting delivery of 3 tonnes of new #HPC storage gear (~700TB raw disk). 🙂 #
- Oh wow, the @VLSCI BlueGene/Q Avoca is 100% busy, all 4096 nodes (65,535 cores) in use! 🙂 #
- "It takes a particular ahistorical amnesia to ignore the march of progress." – @SenKimCarr on #MarriageEquality #
- Achievement unlocked: 3 empty racks to blinkenlights on 600x900GB SAS disk DDN storage system in 2 days – great team! #hpc #
- after frantic building HPC storage, light relief @ Mt Burnett Observatory building Dobsonian telescopes http://t.co/L0eu1SWQ #
- One of the completed Mt Burnett Observatory Dobsonian telescopes, kindly sponsored by @bendigobank http://t.co/SxbSg8sD #
- Two CFA station sirens and CFA truck sirens, from the look of @IncidentAlert13 something nasty in Tremont. #
- Ah of course, I keep forgetting I need to do "pulseaudio –kill" to make sound work again.. 🙁 #
- The depressing state of long distance rail travel in Australia http://t.co/DAkHLeK1 #
- 8 CFA vehicles at Tremont rescue according to CFA website http://t.co/tA3p4tZf /cc @IncidentAlert13 #
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