If you’re ever in the situation of needing to pipe a large amount of data into a program and would usually use cat or just redirect from a file, but would like some idea of how long it may take, then may I recommend to you the “pv” command (packaged in Debian/Ubuntu/RHEL/etc)?
For instance, here is restoring a 9GB MySQL dump into a MariaDB database:
root@db3:/var/tmp# pv db4.sql | mysql 570MB 0:02:06 [5.01MB/s] [> ] 5% ETA 0:34:28
Suddenly you’ve got the data rate, the percentage complete and an ETA so you can go off and get a coffee whilst it works..
RT @chris_bloke: Blog: pv: a handy replacement for cat when piping large amounts of data into commands: http://t.co/4Os8gOFN7G
RT @chris_bloke: Blog: pv: a handy replacement for cat when piping large amounts of data into commands: http://t.co/4Os8gOFN7G
@chris_bloke @smarthall OMFG that’s useful! thanks
#thanks – @chris_bloke @jethrocarr
@chris_bloke bet it doesnt catch mice