- RT @stokely I am looking for a venue for an @openaustralia hackfest in Melbourne. Anyone want to volunteer a weekend venue with robust wifi? #
- Nice find Stewart! 🙂 RT @stewartsmith Homeopathic Emergency ward: http://ping.fm/lvr1h #
- ipv6 for teh win! 😉 #
- dear #lazyweb – is it possible to tell Postfix to receive via IPv6 and v4 but only send via IPv4 ? #
- #ubuntu 2.6.31 rc3 & rc4 mainline kernels seem to be built without any DVB support.. 🙁 #
- RT @elakdawalla: Congratulations to @NewHorizons2015 passing the 14-astronomical-unit mark yesterday! Still nearly 18 AU from Pluto tho… #
- RT @spam: If you gave your login and password info to TwitViewer, we strongly suggest you change your password now. Thanks! #
- qpdf's "qdf" mode is a most excellent tool for making a #PDF suitable for a text editor – think indent for PDF #
- Hmm, I'm being followed by #Microsoft (@Live_at_edu), if you never hear from me again you'll know why.. 😉 #
- Sandia doing #Botnet research with one million #Linux kernels on its cluster – http://bit.ly/eCUhG #hpc #security #
- #Yahoo! goes #Bing – Yahoo and #Microsoft have done a search & web advertising deal – http://news.bnonews.com/ivcg #
- VPAC is looking for an Operations Manager for our HPC group – must be Australian PR, understand research, etc – vpac.org #
- and the prize for the first (and only so far) emailed delivered by #IPv6 goes to #KDE – not even vger.kernel.org has v6 #
- [well spotted Alec!] RT @alecmuffett some geek at google has a sense of humour: http://bit.ly/weRLE #
- A big thank you to all the sysadmins out there (yes, including the VPAC ones, @andybotting) 🙂 #
- Dear #Google Alerts – please don't tell me when I link to my own site, kthxbai #
- Nice West African/Northern Nigerian recipe posted by @alecmuffett, must try a smaller version 🙂 http://bit.ly/xHFwi #
- Creationist vandalism at the Australian National Botanic Gardens 🙁 http://bit.ly/hGwjm #
- Nice to see #Linux Weekly News (LWN, aka @lwnnet) on Twitter #
- Some Squirrelmail plugins compromised (via @lwnnet) – http://bit.ly/ZujGv #
- This weeks good deed – catching a typo in the Library of Congress catalogue via Flickr – http://bit.ly/crDq0 #
- [well done!] RT @donna_williams 6 of my paintings will fly off to new homes this week. I love when they adventure out into the world #art #
- Busy day lopping branches from fallen wood in the garden, methinks I need to jump in the massage chair for a bit.. #
- Dear #lazyweb – how do I find the last version of a file that contains a specific word in a #git repository ? #
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