- Just found out that the #mtwilson observatory #stationfire reports are back on the original site! http://bit.ly/3cDFdA #
- Sounds promising from the reports on the #mtwilson website; also view from the now east-facing towercam is spectacular #
- A weekend of working in the garden, including burning off a stack of sticks on Saturday we'd been gathering over winter #
- Yay for ZFS-FUSE snapshots, just had to do a full recovery from the latest one to my /home due to ext4 going belly up #
- [oops – Twitter Tools failed to post this itself] New Blog Post – #Ext4 fall down go boom – http://bit.ly/4G07Oc #
- Finally a Dell netbook you can buy with Linux in Australia! Need a Premier Store account. http://bit.ly/3om5VZ (via @huwlynes) #
- busy compiling 2.6.31 from git #
- Tried Con Kolivas's BFS scheduler with 2.6.31, but it doesn't like my config with kernel mode setting, panic on boot 🙁 #
- RT @elakdawalla Today New Horizons reached the halfway point between the orbits of Saturn & Uranus. […] http://bit.ly/1knLsW #
- 18th Century Twitter with @DrSamuelJohnson and @RealBoswell 😉 http://bit.ly/18thcenturytwitter (via @adriana872) #
- RT @plutokiller Holy anti-gravity. On my LAX-DC flight we hit turbulence so hard I spilled my coffee. ON THE CEILING! #
- RT @elakdawalla: Images from refurbished Hubble Space Telescope are now online here! http://bit.ly/Nm35b #
- Fab close up of a gravitationally lensed galaxy by the HST on the Planetary Society website – http://bit.ly/1R04gp #
- Resources on glacier recession – http://bit.ly/SndMN (via @Garden27) #
- Just trying the Swift twitter client on my Freerunner running Android, looks nice! #
- Oops, just trashed my Android install playing around with files from a G1 to see if I could get Google Maps going.. #
- Phew, a reboot seems to have recovered it OK #
- Been burning off today, another big pile of sticks bites the dust. Sitting on the veranda keeping an eye on things. #
- RT @donna_williams ready to fly up to Wodonga to do FOOTSTEPS OF A NOBODY this Sat 12th Sept #wodonga #donnawilliams #autism #theatre #music #
- Just found #Booko, compares prices for books + DVDs (including shipping) for customers in Australia – http://bit.ly/SWnm #
- Testing the #KDE 4.3.1 Twitter plasmoid, but it still seems to have the "configure" button floating and the text box is a bit strange #
- Great shot of Horsehead Nebula by Martin Pugh wins #Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition – http://bit.ly/eZPkl #
- RT @insideHPC: England apologizes for its treatment of computing legend Alan Turing http://bit.ly/7R5Q8 #
- Donna is in Wodonga for her gig tonight so I came into the CBD and went up the Eureka tower with Mike; great view! #
- [tabloid] Phew what a scorcher! [/tabloid] – #Melbourne sets new record for 1st half of September – http://bit.ly/KqkbJ #
- [cute!] RT @astronomyblog And just because they can… a Microsoft Paint clone in HTML5 (no Flash)! http://canvaspaint.org/ #
- ALERT Follow @laureenh for breaking story: #BoA trying evict family of 5 (3 kids) from house/boat (Oakland) without any prior contact #
- More on #BoA bad behaviour towards ex-Sun employee: http://tinyurl.com/qn3llp – threatening people who are offering to pay off debts #
- Previous 2 tweets are RT @alecmuffett #
- RT @MarsRovers: via @mars_stu: http://twitpic.com/hhfdi – Opportunity's 2009 Tour of meteorite "Block Island" 🙂 #
- via @BreakingNews: Australians overtake Americans as world's biggest per capita producers of carbon dioxide, UK risk analysis company says. #
- RT @adriana872: bing + google = bingle http://bingle.pwnij.com cute idea, playing with it to see what it's worth…. #
- Just registered on Identi.ca as csamuel, this is a test of jabber-identica-twitter #
- humf, email confirmation system in identi.ca seems b0rked, says Confirmation code not found #
- Oh right, the first time I clicked on it as my ADSL went down it must have worked, confirmed OK! #
- Paul Fenwick has an interesting blog called Dark Stalking on Facebook http://bit.ly/mlmdw on (ab)using the #Facebook API #
- [boo for patenting it] RT @insideHPC: U of Sydney researchers patent energy-aware job scheduling algorithm http://bit.ly/kVAfN #
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