- legislate in haste repeal at leisure: RT @alecmuffett latest news on Babysitting Ban, posted 10 mins ago on BBC website http://bit.ly/4lVWBF #
- Hmm, don't know if I've seen a functioning system with a load average of over 750 before.. 😉 #
- Phew, the load average is going down, only 530 now.. #
- [amazing!] Via @marsroverdriver @stumax, Carl Sagan & Steven Hawking Remixed: http://is.gd/3HYgb #
- Solved some of my audio problems with #ubuntu #karmic – aptitude purge pulseaudio FTW 🙂 #
- Remember the Sandia Labs million machine #botnet simulation? Turns out that was done using lguest! http://bit.ly/19J1sQ #
- RT @ESAHerschel: Herschel has just released its first science data to users. […] #
- Got a friend on holiday in #Vanuatu at the moment, hope the #tsunami misses them.. #
- Looks like the #tsunami watch & warning for the Pacific has now been cancelled – http://bit.ly/Nys6m #
- #Tsunami cancellation only for Hawaii, not for the rest of the Pacific, PTWS website is confusing. 🙁 #
- Front page of the PTWS #tsunami warning says "low" and no warnings, but that's only for Hawaii 🙁 #
- The PTWS sub page specifically for the #Pacific area still says "High" with warnings in force #
- Hooray! @donna_williams + I are now registered beekeepers with 1 hive! #
- [Electoral boundaries in #GIS form] RT @kattekrab: @OpenAustralia – Oh Hello! seen this? http://data.australia.gov.au/27 #
- Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (#PTWC) has RSS feeds of alerts for various locations with text version of the messages #
- RT @insideHPC: Alcatel achieves 100 Petabits per second.kilometer optical transmission http://bit.ly/2xulce #
- RT @kattekrab I am looking for journos interested in education and technology to invite to attend #openedge http://open-edge.info [#lazyweb] #
- RT @insideHPC […] First silicon of Fermi running demo on screen. Side by side with GT200…5x faster. See it to believe it. #gputechconf #
- Off to take @donna_williams to the airport to go to her UK speaking tour! #
- So have ordered my next phone after the Kogan Android one fell through, this time it's a #Nokia #N900 #
- Note to Apple, Garmin and Google – I ordered the #N900 'cos it's more open than your devices and not tied to a carrier #
- [ 🙂 ] RT @dailyclash: #Video: #SNES runs beautifully on #N900, makes our hearts flutter http://tinyurl.com/yaw6z4p #
- Why #Starbucks failed in Australia: http://bit.ly/yDik0 a nice read and makes good sense with Melbournes coffee culture #
- Just back from #Dali exhibition at National Gallery in Victoria – the jewels are something to see! Ends tomorrow. #
- indie not for profit introing technology and Internet into remote Indigenous communities in Australia – @DotComMob – Follow Friday #
- You can find out more about the @DotComMob on their website – http://www.dotcommob.org/ #
- RT @MarsRovers Oppty. is developing a real knack for stumbling upon meteorites on Mars. Check out the latest find: http://bit.ly/lFoYX #
- RT @insideHPC: Fermi: 512 cores, ECC, 8x faster DP maths, hierarchical cache, theoretical 1 TB memory, support for C++. #gputechconf #
- Don't forget – clocks go forward one hour tonight for DST! (well, they do if you're in Victoria, Australia!) 🙂 #
- James Balog: Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss http://bit.ly/lTvVg #TED #
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