- Nightly #Android – for – #Freerunner builds are very fast! New weekly build just came out.. yum! 😉 #
- Yay, working. GPRS! #imonthetrain #
- http://bit.ly/ao08q – Petition on UK PMs website to protect the right to report proceedings of the Houses of Parliament #
- RT @jonoxer: Practical Arduino cover and stats: http://www.practicalarduino.com/news/id/461 #
- NSW Police: "If you are using the internet for a commercial transaction, use a #Linux boot up disk" http://bit.ly/15Abwm #
- [and ripped off by Nirvana!] RT @Atlantean7001 'Eighties' by Killing Joke. I have forgotten how good that song was! #killingjoke #eighties #
- Just tried to book tickets for us to see the Black Arm Band @ the Arts Center: Friday sold out, Saturday only 1 left 🙁 #
- [you need windows to watch – #fail] RT @KARENnews Supercomputing seminar October 22 4:30pm NZDT (2:30pm EDT) http://bit.ly/15uBDj #
- #Wordpress 2.8.5 is released, it's a security hardening release based on what's being done for 2.9 – http://bit.ly/G2UQg #
- [ 🙂 ] RT @ear1grey: LOL at #HTML5 editors draft "How to read this specification" http://bit.ly/3r0fY5 #
- Some really great shots in the BBC's summary of the "Landscape of the Year" awards http://bit.ly/IEwF0 #photography #
- RT @lwnnet: Red Hat share price passes #Microsoft's (The Inquirer) http://lwn.net/Articles/357734/rss #redhat #linux #
- RT @plutokiller: Things I learned in Madrid today: 100 million virus particles in a milliliter of sea water. I'm no longer thirsty. #
- RT @plutokiller: More virology: there are 10 virus particles for every single cell on earth. I'm no longer hungry, either. #
- [what planet are #Microsoft on!] RT @Obdurodon: Most ignorant statement ever: #HPC has traditionally used #Java http://bit.ly/mxBsN #
- It's interesting the commands you've never heard of which you stumble across through typos! #
- Todays #Linux typo command is "ss" – provides socket info including CC mechanism – very handy! http://bit.ly/3kJVI5 #
- Fake titanium may be in #NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Rover 'Curiosity' – http://is.gd/4v7p3 – via @marsroverdriver #
- Good to see someone demoing #Ubuntu #Linux on a laptop to a friend at the station on #Windows7 launch day #
- Finding it hard to be anything other than underwhelmed by Google Wave. Public waves too chaotic, private ones moribund. #
- [good article] RT @astronomyblog: Geneticists speak against the 'British aborigines' claims from #bbcqt: http://bit.ly/13IDN9 #
- RT @steve_evil: A SQL query goes into a bar, walks up to 2 tables and asks, Can I join you? #
- Hmm, seems like Twitter tools lost the link to that post, let's try that again! #
- Ultimate unintended irony – FOX News CEO says U.S. needs "fair and balanced news more than ever before." #
- heading off to the Sunday jam session at the Mount Dandenong pub #
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