- Just watched the film Northfork, very lyrical, well filmed, thought provoking with touches of Twin Peaks – worth seeing! #
- Yay! the #Melbourne #Coffee Review (MCR) ppl are on Twitter – props to @mcrtwits + @thecaffiend – http://bit.ly/4Waic6 #
- #Australian ACMA Blacklists #Iran Protest Video & Boing Boing – http://bit.ly/6JUrLk (via @lev_lafayette @CraigThomler) #
- Someone drove into our car in a car park when they drove over a stop line without looking – car needs work but we're OK! #
- Currently 27.4C in my home office, 32.2C outside… warm in #Melbourne! #
- Trying out the "export QT_NO_GLIB=1" workaround to stop Adobe's Flash plugin from going crazy and eating all my CPU #
- Listening to @brockpalen + @jsquyres RCE podcast summarising #SC09 #HPC conference – nice work folks! http://bit.ly/7eeCj2 #
- Wow, already over 30C by 10am here in #Melbourne and still climbing… #
- very much so – wish I'd had the camera! RT @cafuego: Wow, this cloud is like the mothership from indepedence day #melbourne #
- knackered + sore throat, @donna_williams not well, so early(ish) night for us despite #NYEMelb – happy new decade all! #
- If you want to see how Melbourne's water storages are doing you can follow @MelbourneWater – #FF for 2010! (almost) 🙂 #
- #10yearsago @donna_williams + I were starting out on our adventure in Malvern, UK with no thoughts of being in Australia. #
- 2010 also means 100 years of Australian money – http://bit.ly/6eyfB4 #
- RT @will_j: There are 2 hard problems in computer science: cache invalidation, naming things, and off-by-1 errors. (via @huwlynes +others) #
- #SpamAssassin bug – dates in 2010 getting a large score added – http://bit.ly/5aQog9 – fix: score FH_DATE_PAST_20XX 0.0 #
- OK, there appears to be a fixed version of the #SpamAssassin FH_DATE_PAST_20XX rule now available via sa-update. #
- sigh – survived #y2k with nary a scratch software wise but #SpamAssassin bit me with a #y2k10 bug instead! #
- #Zimbra is also bitten by the #y2k10 #spamassassin bug – we had to fix /opt/zimbra/conf/spamassassin/72_active.cf #
- RT @cosmos4u "Bright sungrazing comet in SOHO's field of view right now!" http://is.gd/5KaLE ! ( via @elakdawalla ) #
- Not fun in #UK higher education sector, 1/8th of budget to be cut, #physics will probably cop a beating http://bit.ly/5vWsc7 #
- “Noughties’ confirmed as the warmest decade on record – UK Met Office – http://bit.ly/7GdGxh #
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Very cute indeed!