- Interesting #N900 bug, if you create a tag for a picture but make a typo you can't delete it 🙁 #
- "Facebook's Zuckerberg Says The Age of Privacy is Over" http://bit.ly/5RacT9 #facebookfail (via @penguinoid @arusbridger) #
- hooray for @metrotrains ComEng trains with aircon that breaks at 43C – it's damn hot in here! #
- RT @thecaffiend wants everyone who reckons their latte art rocks to email me a sample: editor@beanscenemagazine.com.au BIG COMP!BIG PRIZES! #
- for those who don't know @thecaffiend is involved in the #Melbourne #Coffee Review blog – vital reading if you live here! #
- now installing the #Maemo 44-1 update on his #Nokia #N900 – fingers crossed! 😉 #
- First day of work at #VLSCI; novel feeling to work for an entire day on a project without interruption or distraction! 🙂 #
- I like the fact that the #Maemo updater on the #N900 prompts you to use the backup tool before installing the updates! #
- According to the ABC #Melbourne has had its hottest January day for 150 years http://bit.ly/7rz7QX #
- 11:48pm and still 30.7C outside according to my (sadly non-networkable) inside/outside thermometer – can haz cool change now plz? #
- 6:30am and still 30C outside here in #Melbourne! #
- If UK MoD believes '#Gurkhas are amongst the best and the bravest' why only pay those who retired before '97 1/3rd the pension? #
- Monday night/Tuesday morning was hottest night for #Melbourne for well over 100 years (since 1902) http://bit.ly/85EO2I #
- UK arbitrary stop-and-search powers ruled illegal by European Court of Human Rights http://bit.ly/7sc4lS (via @fooishbar) #
- Trying to set up DavMail (davmail.sf.net) to talk to the Melbourne Uni Exchange server with mixed results #
- #Marillion perform #Grendel, London '83 – so cool and almost 30 years old! http://bit.ly/4JPUAV http://bit.ly/5aKCBv #
- Score so far with #davmail and UniMelb Exchange: email both ways, read-only calendar + LDAP for contacts – pretty cool! #
- 10 #phones compared for usability: #N900 with #maemo wins, #iphone second, #android comes in 5th – http://bit.ly/5rDqbD #
- Wow! #VMWare bought #Zimbra from #Yahoo! http://bit.ly/76Jbrh #
- The BerliOS software development site appears to have been compromised – since 2005 http://bit.ly/5zWdUf #
- Nice blog by @cdsmart on how #Microsoft demonstrate that #Linux is easier to use than #Windows – http://bit.ly/5axBFX #
- New #N900 firmware seems really nice, now sync's with Melbourne Uni's Exchange 2003 server! via @PeterMaemo 🙂 #
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