- "No bug is too foolish to check for. Given enough code, developers will write almost anything you can think of.' http://bit.ly/diOOI9 #
- Oh the irony! Pauline Hanson is about to become an immigrant – she's moving to the UK – http://bit.ly/9J9FFh #
- #Maemo and #Moblin to merge. #Maemo loosing #Debian base, moving to RPM base 🙁 http://bit.ly/92smw8 via @lwnnet #
- #Maemo + #Moblin = #Meego – what a bad new name! 🙁 #
- #WordPress 2.9.2 is out – fixes a disclosure hole where registered (non-admin) users could see posts in the trash. #
- #VLSCI announces its' #SGI Altix XE #HPC cluster http://bit.ly/bIaMBN #
- don't really like the new @abcnews website layout, no longer any quick way to see Victorian stories.. 🙁 #
- More info on the #Maemo 6 /#Meego change on maemo.org http://bit.ly/aPcpI2 "deb still for Harmattan, rpm for MeeGo" #
- So that might mean that #Maemo 6 / #Meego from #Nokia might use .deb, *and* RPM (as permitted by the LSB) #
- Interesting – #Meego will be "entirely open source", can be seen as an alternative to #Mer – http://bit.ly/d5xwhq #maemo #
- .@nokconv @petermaemo – could #Maemo 5 apps run on #Meego ? Will #Meego be available for the #N900 ? Deb and/or RPM ? #
- #N900 update on the way ? RT @nokconv @arun8gb A: We've already pushed two software updates, and are pushing another today! #
- An earlier answer to the query about #Meego on #N900 : RT @nokconf @pirlok A: It's too early to say. #NokiaMWC #maemo #
- Kudos to @PeterMaemo and @nokconv on taking #maemo #meego questions – still confused about diff between #harmattan + #meego #
- New #Maemo 5 update out for #N900 – 3.2010.02-8.002 #
- #N900 #maemo update is minor one to prep for larger one later Feb with #qt 4.6 http://bit.ly/b8Ujf6 http://bit.ly/ar2Oa2 #
- Oh so true for many restaurant websites http://bit.ly/bzanJO (via @fooishbar) #
- Two stunning images from #NASA #WISE mission: #Comet Siding Spring http://bit.ly/b5OQO9 and Andromeda http://bit.ly/cCZUss #
- Spooky – the full size JPG of the #NASA #WISE image of Andromeda is 6666 x 6666 – 'tis the picture of the beast! 😉 #
- The JMRI case (Jacobsen v. Katzer) has been settled – FOSS wins – http://bit.ly/aKkQlJ #copyright #legal #opensource #gpl #
- At Doncaster playhouse for tonights 'Footsteps of a Nobody' by @donna_williams – starts 8pm #autism #
- Yay – LensBaby (I have their original #LensBaby to use on our #Nikon #D100) are on Twitter as @SeeInANewWay ! #
- Just to correct myself, it's not the original #LensBaby I've got, it's the #LensBaby 2.0 #
- Good blog by Sylvia Pfeiffer on issues that would face #Google should they open up the #VP8 codec http://bit.ly/cCeVXq #
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