- BNP get councillor sacked for working as a lollipop lady in attempt to infiltrate council: Barking mad http://bit.ly/bfp2v4 #
- thought the #Beowulf mailing list had died, but it just looks like I'm no longer getting the emails.. π #hpc #
- Northern hemisphere only π RT @apod: Comet McNaught Becoming Visible to the Unaided Eye: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap100607.html #
- RT @newscientist: Swine flu experts and big pharma: there's no conspiracy http://bit.ly/cD6Z94 #
- RT @alecmuffett: Adrian Lamo 'shops' Bradley Manning who may have helped Assange's Wikileaks; http://bit.ly/dp2GtV #security #
- RT @RandomSpaceFact: If the Sun were 6 feet (1.82 m) in diameter, Earth would be marble sized (0.67 in, 1.67 cm), and 645 feet (197 m) away. #
- RT @abc_investigate RT @sarahcollerton: Chasing leads on my breast cancer #genewars story http://bit.ly/9xCELu Can you help? #patents #brca1 #
- Congrats to #Apple for finally catching up to #Nokia with video calling, the N800 (2007) has had that for a while π #
- Daniel Stone (@fooishbar) on N800, iPhone and video calling : http://bit.ly/cjWUum #
- Irony++ RT @nadine_lee: Wizard of Oz festival in US closed early after being hit by a tornado http://tinyurl.com/2cdsd7p #
- Dr Watson being spooky π RT @myrddian: I wish they all did this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13YlEPwOfmk #
- RT @worldlandtrust: Bumblebees on UK pollination 'rescue mission' die in hibernation http://ow.ly/1Vv73 [The Guardian] #
- #UNHCR expelled from Libya (major #refugee corridor) with no explanation ? BBC http://bit.ly/dpgGAG (via @BreakingNews) #
- oh dear – RT @BreakingNews: NOAA confirms underwater oil plumes as far as 142 miles from #BP spill – AP #
- "Digital documents last forever – or Γ―Β¬Βve years, whichever comes Γ―Β¬Βrst" Jeff Rothenberg (2001) – http://bit.ly/cr89wA (PDF) #
- .@jeza_rocks yup, especially when that bug in #mdbtools was reported in 2003.. π http://bit.ly/9N10hc #
- New Model Army (@officialnma http://www.newmodelarmy.org/) is 30 years old this year – happy anniversary all! #
- Nice one Andy! RT @andybotting: Tram Hunter going full steam ahead. 4 developers working on it, 280 installs and lots of good feedback. [..] #
- .@mykimate that can't be right, a Myki wouldn't be the same price as a Metcard if it cannot be used on trains or trams #
- Judge Ted Stewart has ruled for #Novell and against #SCO Novell can waive cases against #IBM etc, case closed! #linux #
- #Groklaw #039;s report on #Novell prevailing over #SCO is here http://bit.ly/9Z8mm5, found via @lwnnet's website #
- "Novells claim for declaratory judgment is GRANTED" #
- "SCOs claims for specific performance and breach of the implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing are DENIED" #
- Want to work with large storage, #HPC #linux clusters and BlueGene? #VLSCI needs a storage+hpc sysadmin http://bit.ly/c6KJ0V #
- Next #VLSCI RAS info session will be at La Trobe University at 9am Wednesday, more info here: http://bit.ly/duuzdi #hpc #
- #Cray XE6 named after Admiral Hopper – RT @insideHPC: Pioneer Grace Hopper honored by NERSC http://bit.ly/bTXC9W #hpc #women #
- RT @theretronaut: One family, 30 years… – http://tinyurl.com/23kmyd7 #
- I can't resist it, getting ready to download the #KDE 4.5 beta 2 packages from Kubuntu L-) http://bit.ly/blvaFE #
- #UK to no longer be a holding partner in #PRACE bad implications for future science related #HPC there http://bit.ly/9CLtc5 #
- Did #HPC survey via LinkedIn (obviously for Microsoft) answered as honestly as possible, got to donate USD20 to @MSF_USA #
- rc3 fixes a memory corruption bug in rc2 RT @lwnnet: Kernel prepatch 2.6.35-rc3 http://lwn.net/Articles/391864/rss #
- RT @cafuego: Dear Senator Conroy, my squid proxy now talks to a US based squid proxy via an SSL tunnel. #thanksforplaying #
- Today I bought a Nikon D90 body (yay!) then stuck garden fork prong through boot (boo!) – fortunately went between toes! #
- An archaeological dig of a 1983 French meal – quite impressive! http://bit.ly/9Qb9Ao (via @theretronaut) #
- RT @marsroverdriver Team finds giant planet, nine times the size of Jupiter and only a few million years old, 60 LY away: http://is.gd/cLSGb #
- RT @newscientist: #Hayabusa asteroid probe faces moment of truth http://bit.ly/bA8V1j #space #
- Look out Woomera! π RT @Astro_Soichi 14 hours before #Hayabusa return! #
- Got #KDE 4.5.0 beta 2 – looking good though I had to login, logout and login again to get the system tray to behave properly #
- The "Shutter" IR camera remote widget for the #Nokia #N900 works nicely with my new #Nikon #D90 π #
- RT @elakdawalla: RT @Hayabusa_JAXA: 9 hours left, remaining distance 180,000 km, Hayabusa is 70 degrees high in Japanese sky! #
- JAXA, NASA and the Royal Australian Airforce coordinating in #Hayabusa sample return recovery http://bit.ly/d3Y7DB #
- Neil Degrasse Tyson debunks 2012 at 2010 World Science Festival – teaches how, not what, to think – http://bit.ly/brDIKY #
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