- Gary Numan does "Cars", with a bit of help from Nine Inch Nails.. 🙂 http://t.co/DxehRCJo #NIN #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/z3gUhW1V NIN: "Cars" with Gary Numan, London 7.15.09 [HD] #
- First day back at work after a week off and already I have to fight #OpenFOAM – I hope #SGI can fix its build system! #
- #NAB (verb) steal, pinch, take without permission, evicting tenants without notice when landlord defaults #
- Why do I have to provide a business case for #RedHat to fix a driver bug reported a year ago in RHEL5.5 in the 5.8 release? #
- Surely the fact that #RedHat haven't tried to fix it in 5.6 or 5.7 despite already being fixed upstream by Mellanox counts? #
- Ed Alleyne Johnson, busker electro-violinist extrordinaire plays Gun'n'Roses Sweet Child of Mine http://t.co/kG6sItBV #
- Server Error in Application "METRO TRAINS" 🙂 /cc @metrotrains #
- This mornings earworm is from #Genesis – 'Home by the Sea' #
- So #Linux distro's no longer allowed to redistribute 'official' Oracle/Sun #Java now it's OpenJDK or nothing for them. #
- Tell @JuliaGillard to end Australia's immigration detention disgrace. Add your name to the petition here: http://t.co/AoXGs8mC via @GetUp #
- According to Washington Post Obama is about to cut @NASA's future planetary exploration missions http://t.co/v8fcO9eV 🙁 #
- That potentially awful @NASA news via @budiprasetya and @markbate #
- Applications for time on #VLSCI supercomputers open until November 17th – more info here: http://t.co/ZlEjANCG #hpc #
- Congrats to Bernie on getting his #Haskell MPI article published in the Monad Reader! http://t.co/4l1fiWDV (PDF) #HPC #
- VIC Police minister doesn't understand law he cites for evicting #occupymelbourne protestors doesn't apply to protests #
- #VLSCI gets an acknowledgement in the Nature paper "Ascaris suum draft genome" http://t.co/BlsHPeZL #science #
- Also nice to see that Nature paper is published under a #CreativeCommons license (BY-NC-SA)! #
- Making a run for the station before the storm arrives… #
- Cool, my CC licensed photo http://t.co/7M93K9OT was used on a Scientific American @sciam blog post – http://t.co/mhTMNowE #
- Hitchcock and The (Angry) Birds – fab proposed t-shirt design! http://t.co/p5uAqX5N #
- 8 of the 10 Twitter trends for Australia relate to the #Qantas outage.. #
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