- Lovely, if occasionally rainswept, #sunset at Cardinia Reservoir – #photo – http://t.co/YtmfJhOp #
- Portrait of @Donna_Williams and @Chris_Bloke with rainbow over Cardinia Reservoir lake http://t.co/p6rbuJ4Q #
- .@channel_21 are not tech savvy; they forgot to register their domain name, then publicly abuse @skwashd for grabbing it #
- Brian: "you're all individuals" Crowd: "we're all individuals" Dissenter: "I'm not" #qanda /cc @NewtonMark #ItsaMisquote #
- If they're going to talk accents they could at least have @mrjohnclarke on! #qanda #WatchingTwitterNotTv #
- Anyone know what's up with http://t.co/gJrMtCXK ? Been down for a while from what I hear.. /cc @steve_evil @linuxaustralia #
- MT @mage0r cloud is like "the fog". You know, makes driving dangerous, means you can't see where you're going. #
- Big congrats to @kattekrab for #DigitiseTheDawn http://t.co/WPqVeq4T #iwd #
- Impressive photo of a whirlwind on the surface of Mars http://t.co/FtXFDT3u @MarsCuriosity better be careful! 🙂 #
- http://t.co/SvItWhMz has issued #aurora alert for all latitudes – storm due to hit 6:25am UTC March 8th (< 3 hours) #
- Current #aurora prediction for southern hemisphere looks a little disappointing http://t.co/WUbPcNK2 #space #australia #
- BoM space weather site shows no #aurora alert for #Australia yet 🙁 http://t.co/SBHpO1i0 #
- Anyone want a repossessed CT scanner? pick up only of course (from NSW). 🙂 http://t.co/6gEiJAHh #
- Australian BoM IPS have issued a high latitude #aurora alert (first since May 2011) http://t.co/vRfF767W #space #australia #
- Wow, even for @apod, that's one hell of a good picture.. http://t.co/gyZFLotm #
- "Wearable Obstacle Detection System and Braille Cellphone for the Blind" http://t.co/LtzQVPeE /cc @adainitiative @ABCRampUp #
- Dear songwriters, if your subject "don't know nothing" then they must know something, if not everything. HTH, HAND. 🙂 #
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