- In autotools is it considered OK for –enable-foo and –with-foo to set up different behaviours? #programming #lazyweb #
- A quick archaeological #FF @CurrentArchaeo @WorldArchaeo @thetimeteam @WikiLoot @wessexarch @ThamesDiscovery #
- A week on leave with @donna_williams ! 🙂 If I'm lucky maybe my new desktop from @zareason will arrive. #
- Cloudy sunset and Mares Tails at Cardinia Reservoir http://t.co/7xHAlhQj #
- .@debian Installer 7.0 beta 1 released, includes support for #Welsh / #Cymraeg #
- Thanks to @penguin_brian for the loan of a PCMCIA wifi card, now my 9 year old laptop has working wifi again 🙂 #
- More info on the first beta of the @debian 7.0 Wheezy installer http://t.co/GuXZiscV #linux #welsh #cymraeg #
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