Is the Australian Prime Minister Spamming You ?

It would appear that the Australian Prime Minister John Howard has gone into the spam business according to the ABC and News Interactive, he’s hired his sons company Net Harbour (no link as I don’t support spammers) to spam folks in his local electorate with pro-Liberal material.

This, of course, raises the question of where did they get their email addresses, and have Net Harbour been blacklisted yet ?

Even more ironic is that one of John Howards opponents in the forthcoming election is longtime anti-spam campaigner Troy Rollo, founder of the Coalition Against Unsolicited Bulk Email, Australia (CAUBE.AU) and iCAUCE.

The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that they’re spamming folks outside of the electorate, and I’m wondering if they’ve hit anyone outside of Australia as well.

If you’ve had one of their spams, leave a comment with details or email me at antispam at please!

One thought on “Is the Australian Prime Minister Spamming You ?

  1. Wow,

    what can I say, good old John Howard does it again.
    First it feels to me as if he wants to sell the Australian Information Technology sector up the river to his icon Mr Bush through the eagerly rushed so called Free Trade Agreement and now he wants to use the worst aspect of IT to advertise himself more extensively and directly into our homes, our workplaces (does he realise the cost to productivity in the workplace caused by Spammers or is his message simply ‘too important’?). Personally, I’ve already had enough his tax-payer funded self advertising on TV already so thinly disguised as public service announcements.

    What can I say? It’s hardly out of character.

    🙂 Donna ( Williams ) Samuel

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