In response to a blog from Alec I left the following comment, which is really a “dear lazyweb” question..
Err.. I might be missing something here, but..
What’s the point of twitter ?
AFAICS all you get is out of date information about what someone claimed to be doing some hours, days or weeks ago.
Sorry if I’m being dense..
Sounds like a great way to never feel alone.
I don’t quite get it either. Is it IRC on valium, or blogging with ADHD?
Nice one John! 🙂
I often find that when I go upstairs I’ve forgotten why I went. Twitter helps me with that. Before I set off I say what I’m doing, describing the journey I’m making. Then, upon my arrival, I can refresh my memory. So twitter is great, but before twitter I’d often forget what I was doing, for example, I often find that when I go upstairs I’ve forgotten why I went. Twitter helps me with that. Before I set off I say what I’m doing, describing the journey I’m making. Then, upon my arrival, I can refresh my memory. So twitter is great, but before twitter I’d often forget what I was doing, for example, I often find that when I go upstairs I’ve forgotten why I went. Twitter helps me with that. Before I set off I say what I’m doing, describing the journey I’m making. Then, upon my arrival, I can refresh my memory. So twitter is great, but before twitter I’d often forget what I was doing, for example, …
On the one hand, I can’t see the point of Twitter either.
On the other hand, I didn’t see the point of blogging, iPods, the www, email, personal computers, or VCR machines before I started using them.
That’s not to say all new technology is bound to be useful. But I’m not quite ready to write it off completely.