Inspired by Alec, I just checked using the Great Firewall of China checking site and found out that my site, along with Donna’s, her blog, her podcast, the site for her first book and the web site we set up to promote self-employment for folks on the Autism spectrum,, are all blocked!
Presumably it’s working by IP address and so anything that happens to be on that IP address is persona non-grata in China. 🙁
I did a bit of testing and found that VPAC (where I work) is blocked too, as is Melbourne Uni.
Take heart….
You may be blocked, but at least they recognise that you are there ….
They tell me that I am in the USA and don’t exist.
I’m not and I do
Yikes, me too – and my current employers. They must hate anything of a geek orientated nature (even is blocked). Web 2.0 my…