Melbourne Earthquake (Updated with magnitude and location)

Note: If you’re looking for the 18th March quake you want this blog post instead..

Wow – that was wild, I thought at first one of the big gums trees was coming down here at the base of Mount Dandenong but that doesn’t get felt by a friend up the mountain and especially not a friend in Glen Iris!

There was a fairly rapid rise to a large shake (about 2-5 seconds) and then it died down again over the space of about another 5-10 seconds.

Update: The USGS is reporting that it was a magnitude 4.7 located around Loch near Korumburra over in Gippsland.

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GeoScience Australia now have their website back up with their information about the quake, they estimate it as magnitude 4.6, and I’ve grabbed a copy of the seismograph as it’ll disappear in 90 days.

75 thoughts on “Melbourne Earthquake (Updated with magnitude and location)

  1. Felt that all the way over here in Kensington. Thought my partner was shaking the couch and was about to tell him to stop then realised he wasn’t moving. My first ever tremor. Wow

  2. We are in Hoddles Creek and that was yep WOW!!! The whole house shook – it seemed to last for a few minutes, glasses rattled kind of waited for them to fall down!! Friend at Emerald also reported this in an email.

  3. agree.

    Almost on 9pm and as you described.
    We are in Ashburton – a nice rumble went through the house for about 5 seconds.

    Shaken but not stirred!

  4. Yeah, that was harsh! i thought the top story of my house was going to fall down! my screen was wobbling all over the shop. hahaha. Thankfully no jets had crashed into my backyard.

  5. I’m in Geln Waverley and experienced similiar to you, walls shook, out of wack with roof… about 7 sec.. thought I heard/felt something 30 sec before but dismisse it.

  6. I felt the tremors too…
    Whole house shook
    just as you decribed..about 20 secs…first few seconds large shake..then subside to constant shakinf for rest of time..
    I am in Brighton East.

  7. Yep – We also felt the Earthquake we are from Chelsea in Melbourne and just before 9pm could hear a sound like a truck coming down the road, and then the Windows and Table started shaking. The kids just went to bed and they jumped out of bed wondering what was going on.

  8. Indeed. We are in Ferny Creek, shook the whole house for about 5 seconds, but felt residual tremor for another 5 seconds.
    Yeah…lots of reports coming in now…all over VIC…

  9. I felt it too! It was scary! Im in Bundoora, it last abt 4-5 seconds for us. Hasn’t come back but all my neighbours are out there scared!

  10. We felt it here in Narre Warren as well, thought it was a low flying aircraft. It built to a big rumble then suddenly stopped. Neighbours were all out asking what that was.

    My mum was visiting from Brisbane and yelled out it was an Earthquake, my wife ran to the door frame in the kitchen.

  11. omg, that was weird as.
    house shook for like half a minute and then stopped.
    (from Mt Evelyn, btw)
    i first thought it was the wind but i looked outside and it wasnt windy.
    like, what the heck?

  12. Felt it in Chelsea Heights. Thought it was a huge truck rumbling past until the entire house started shaking. Very scary. Have felt a couple of earthquakes in the last so many years but nothing with the intensity of that one.

  13. I’m in Bayswater, felt it too like my washing mashine is starting its “Long Spin” and someone’s opening my garage door at the same time!

  14. i felt it all the way in mill park lakes, was it really big in the city? i heard that.
    i was doing homework then feel of my chair then i screamed out who farted lol.

  15. I’m in Lysterfield, thoguht dad put a movie on really loud, but then my phone fell off the table, jumped up and ran to the doorway, heard the neighbour yell out ‘earthquake’…pretty scary.

  16. We felt it too was so funny my hubby asked if the washing machine was on or something cause all our lounge chairs moved and we didnt know what was going on. We live in Bittern Victoria.

  17. I felt it. I’m in Epping.. I’m beginning to think mother nature has it in for us Victorians after all thats been happening with the fires. Now this! Scary!

  18. felt it in clayton for about 10secs! was so scared! never been through an earthquake before! once over i realised it was pretty cool actually 😀

  19. I’m from Clayton South, and my house shook for 5 seconds, I first heard what sounded like a loud truck driving past, then the window next to me started rattling and I thought someone was trying to break through it, then the house started shaking, and I realised what was happening. I’m 32 and I’ve never felt one before, so it was scary at first, until I read what it was and that everyone felt it too. Then I relaxed a bit.

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