- One of worlds oldest languages, Bo, of Andaman Islands, has lost its last native speaker http://bit.ly/axs9E8 #history #sad #
- It appears the eSATA DVD-RW that came with my Dell Latitude Z600 can trash DVD's when doing a "-dummy" test with wodim! #
- Garth Davis, director of @donna_williams #film "Nobody Nowhere" directed 2010 Coke #Superbowl advert http://bit.ly/bMsfXT #
- Conroy's filter will not make the internet safer – http://bit.ly/bMYANP #censorship #australia #nocleanfeed #
- It appears Australian shadow finance minister Barnaby Joyce doesn't understand finance.. http://bit.ly/cdWwQA #politics #
- #Myki boss sacked – Metlink boss appointed instead – http://bit.ly/aicWLN #melbourne #publictransport #
- Uni of Melbourne + #IBM announcement at 10am Thursday – http://bit.ly/bhNvrK #
- Announcements of #VLSCI #IBM #lifescience #HPC partnership http://bit.ly/9LMoSF http://bit.ly/dxIBDq http://bit.ly/anwTCR #
- Amazing thunderstorm over central #Melbourne at the moment, lots of thunder! #
- RT @elmonte09: Help! Counting twitter atheists by #tag If atheist, RT this whole message #atheist #
- It's depressing just how wrong some of the press reports on IT stories can be.. 🙁 #
- It appears we've finally solved where to put the first Intel Nehalem cluster for #VLSCI due to arrive on Wednesday! #
- Nice graph by @mikal of popularity of various #SMTP #email servers since 1996 based on various surveys http://bit.ly/9fncUU #
- 15th July 1993 "I'm busy trying to re-install Linux on my PC after todays diskswapping" – tracked down some old email 🙂 #
- In August 1993 the University of Wales, Aberystwyth #usenet news spool was a whopping 400MB. 🙂 #
- So Barbie is now a "computer engineer" http://bit.ly/6wUJfr – can't figure out if that's good or bad (via @markbate) #
- Chip-n-PIN protocol broken, fraudsters can use cards without knowing PIN, paper from Cambridge (PDF) http://bit.ly/bEhYL8 #
- That Chip-n-PIN security vulnerability via @timfaas and @benjaminblack – paper by S Murdoch, S Drimer, R Anderson, M Bond #
- Fascinating website – How to be a Retronaut – http://bit.ly/cX5geJ – historical #photos both real and imagined! #history #
- Here's a #photo from 1844 by Henry Fox Talbot of the building of Nelsons Column in #London – http://bit.ly/crg2ho #history #
- Film of London in 1903 – wouldn't mind betting aggregate people-miles-per-hour is faster then than now http://bit.ly/9CK06m #
- More digging through old email – first web server I set up (as a test) was in January 1994 to demo to Uni folks #
- Working with @donna_williams on the complete overhaul of Auties.org – now based on WordPress to make life easier #
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