- Melbourne CBD made it to 28C today, still over 22C here near Mt Dandenong.. no sign of the high winds promised (yet).. #
- So Iran has arrested 5 BBC staff for reporting 'negative news' – that would pretty much cover most media worldwide.. #
- Pacific Black Duck in mid shake – 1/3200th of a second at f/1.8 http://t.co/15kk0O5w #
- Good to see the #Adminspotting text doing the rounds on @twitter, over 14 years after its Usenet posting by Gary Barnes #
- All x86-64 #VLSCI clusters running at over 90% utilisation, our BG/P at 100%, all hardware OK, time to go home.. #
- I have just booted a University College of Wales #Aberystwyth 5.25" floppy disk from 1988. A8 lives.. 😉 #
- It's got a save file from Moria on it.. 😉 #
- UCW Aberyswyth 5.25" floppy system disk from 1998 – booted and running http://t.co/YRuJyd6H #
- Resurrecting 5.25" floppy disks – hardware – borrowed and owned http://t.co/gpjjArc3 #
- Next problem – must netboot the Epia Eden V the floppy drive is in because it can only power one device, IDE or floppy! #
- Sigh, all that time getting a diskless mythbuntu setup to complete and then I find the kernel won't boot on VIA Eden CPU #
- Close – but not close enough – time for bed! #
- I hate #Java – apparently it starts as many threads as cores in the system, despite being constrained by a cpuset to less #
- Anyone know if you can tell #Java to only use a maximum of N threads from command line or via an environment variable ? #
- Indigenous Australians have been in Australia for at least 50,000-75,000 years! http://t.co/ckw3zaYB /via @mgrahamnz #
- Dates derived from DNA of lock of hair given with consent in 1923, research done with consent of current indigenous ppl #
- Sigh, the @Debian kernel not having CONFIG_NFS_ROOT enabled would explain why diskless booting isn't working.. 🙁 #
- PLOP Linux – mini Linux distro for recovery work, intended to be booted from CD/DVD, USB and PXE http://t.co/SYOzVm5Z #
- Hey @insideHPC, might be an idea to moderate comments by default, the amount of spam in comments RSS feed is huge! 🙁 #
- Amazed, recovered 20 of 21 5.25" floppy disks, all 20+ years old! 21st wasn't labelled and couldn't even ddrescue it.. #
- Nice one @lev_lafayette on making front page of @abcnews – charged @JuliaGillard with breach of ALP policy over #refugees #
- Actually the @WhiteHouse hasn't asked for that input over software patents, it's a petition against software #patents #
- Dear oh dear, @abcnews did have to pick a very bad photo of @lev_lafayette for that article! #
- BBC News – A Point of View: Churchill, chance and the 'black dog' http://t.co/7hyZh0Cj #
- Status update on the rebuild of #Linux kernel.org (no shell access for git for a start) – http://t.co/x0K28O4W #security #
- A very nice #XKCD – Depth Perception – http://t.co/uWpyCmq6 – it'd be fun to try that out.. #
- Today is the 945th anniversary of the Battle of Stamford Bridge, where Harold beat Harald after a forced march north #
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