Poetry: Silver

This was written for the October 30th 2012 “Equal Writes” session in Belgrave. I did both a poem and a prose piece explaining the background.

Silver the poem

Strong runner
Apprentice butcher
Goal set
Strive for the finish

Runs well
Edged out
Second place
A quick silver race

Stands tall
between two men
skins darker than his
but an agenda shared by all

Medals awarded
Gloved fists
In the air
He stands, badged with honour

Fastest Australian
Never again called
Seen to have shamed
By wanting all to stand tall

Peter Norman – Silver medalist – 1968 Olympics

In the 1968 Olympics in Mexico an apprentice butcher from Melbourne threw a cat amongst the pigeons in the 200m heats by breaking the world record, threatening the domination of the US. He took silver in the finals, improving his time again, separating Tommie Smith who won gold (and the then world record) and Jon Carlos who took bronze.

Before the ceremony Tommie and Jon told Peter about their plans to protest racial segregation and inequality with the gloved fist salute, and Peter Norman said “I’ll stand with you”.

On the way out to the podium he borrowed an Olympic Project for Human Rights badge from one of the US rowers and then, when Jon Carlos realised he’d forgotten his pair of gloves, suggested that they share Tommie’s.

That iconic act of defiance had an immediate impact, with the athletes being booed as they left the podium and then ostracised. The two US athletes were expelled from the Games and Peter Norman was reprimanded by the Australian Olympic Committee the day after the race.

Despite being ranked fifth in the world and running qualifying times in the 100m and the 200m before the next Olympics Peter Norman was not selected for the 1972 Munich games, and he later retired from competitive running.

There was no reconciliation, when the 2000 Sydney Olympics happened he was the only Australian olympian to not be invited to participate in the lap of honour, a grievous omission, dashing his hopes.

However, the American team had not forgotten him and he was invited to be their guest of honour, staying with them in the Olympic Village.

When Peter Norman died in 2006 both Tommie Smith and Jon Carlos came to Melbourne to be his pall bearers and to read eulogies, Tommie said “Peter Norman’s legacy is a rock. Stand on that rock.”

Peter Norman’s 1968 finals time is still the Australian 200m record. The day of his funeral is honoured as “Peter Norman Day” by the US Track and Field Federation.

HPC sysadmin job in Melbourne, Australia

No, not where I work for once, but a friend of mine is looking for an HPC sysadmin in his group in the Victoria State Government:

This role requires advanced skills in system and network administration and scripting, clustered computer systems, security, virtualisation and Petabyte-scale storage. It is highly desirable that you have acquired these skills in a Life sciences environment. The heterogeneous environment requires both Linux and Windows skills. You should have the ability to design and implement solutions for automated transfer of data within and between systems and to ensure the security of both internal and Internet-facing systems. In this complex environment, working closely in teams of multi-disciplinary scientists to deliver computing solutions, including advanced troubleshooting and diagnostic skills, will be required. Supervision of other members of the team will also be necessary.

They’ve got a 1500+ core Linux cluster.. 😉

Quick Twitter Rant on Terrorism Hysteria

As promised to my good friend Lev Lafayette on the tram back from the last Linux Users of Victoria meeting here is my brief rant on terrorism hysteria sparked off on the 26th May by a tweet by Emily Lakdawalla mentioning an article about Kiera Wilmot’s situation written by Kiera herself.

Please read about where this #terrorism hysteria is leading us: RT @elakdawalla: Kiera Wilmot’s own words: http://www.aclu.org/blog/[…]

Fear is one of the most disabling afflictions we can have and it’s almost as if western society is craving it.

We make prisons for ourselves in our minds, voluntarily sacrificing liberties for illusionary security whilst paying for the privilege.

We arrest and almost criminalise a 16 year old girl for a class chemistry project gone wrong then wonder why society stagnates.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled funny cat videos and Farmville. Nothing to see here, be happy in your virtual cocoon

Not that Australia is that much better, we have our own hysteria about asylum seekers to deal with.. 🙁

Poetry: Episodes

Another in the series of writings for the Equal Writes writing group in Belgrave, this one was on the topic of Episodes and is vaguely (OK, more than vaguely) autobiographical.

Episodes in my life

Growing up in Cardiff

City streets, city parks,
Trips to the Brecon Beacons.
Roman roads, standing stones,
faint echoes of the Mabinogion.

Autumn holidays in Pembrokeshire
Where Parry Thomas and Babs broke records,
and one sorry day, full of cold,
Babs broke his life.

University in Aberystwyth

Wyt ti’n siarad Cymraeg?
Not really.
Welsh, but not speaking Welsh.
In this Welsh University town.
Trying to learn the lingo but blocked,
timetable clashes and moved lectures.
Physics and maths getting in the way.
Instead I found computers,
almost lost a degree,
but found a new occupation.

Working in Great Malvern

Running computers for developers,
in the place where RADAR was developed,
to see in the dark.

During a war where computers first came to life,
to break codes,
to see into the enemies mind.

Later, working in computer security,
to keep the black hats out,
and keep the white hats safe.
Our own hats a lighter shade of grey.

Migration to Australia

Just married to an Aussie,
in the middle of the UK.
Our honeymoon is down under,
living in Cockatoo,
and an introduction to wonder.
New birds, animals, and mosquitoes.

A year passes and another trip,
and this holiday a decision is made
to leave the old country and try
something new.

Both of us migrants now,
me for the first time,
her for the second,
both taking a big leap together,
catching each other,
at the end of the red eye.

Writing: Snake

Quite a while ago I said I was going to put up the writing I was doing for the “Equal Writes” group at the Belgrave Library. Er, well I forgot. 🙂 So here’s the one after the last one I blogged, and I’ve now got a backlog to get through. 🙂

The word for this one was just “snake”, so I tried a short poem with some prose as a follow up about snakes.

Snakes are an odd creature
Lacking ears they cannot hear as we do
But bodies sensitive to movement detect our steps
Perfunctory, unworried, receding
Oblivious to its presence hidden in the grass

Snakes are reptiles that have been around in for one form or another for around 100 million years. Their evolution is unclear with two main theories, one being that they evolved from digging reptiles that benefited from gaining the scales over the eyes and from losing their ears – the other that they arose from a group of aquatic reptiles called mosasaurs which evolved into creatures resembling modern day sea snakes. Whilst it used to be that the mososaur theory was better supported by discoveries new DNA evidence does not show a close relationship of snakes to monitor lizards (known to be descended from mosasaurs) and the discovery of a fully land-living fossil (Najash, a name derived from the Hebrew name for the serpent in Genesis) complete with rear limbs seems to have turned the tables for now.

They are a very successful creature with species occuring on all continents, except Antartica, and range in size from the tiny threadsnakes which can be barely 10cm long to the massive constrictors such as the reticulated python and the anaconda. The largest snakes that ever lived are now extinct though, with Titanoboa currently holding the crown at around 12m-15m long (and also likely the heaviest so far).

Whilst all snakes are obligated carnivores (they can only derive some nutrients they need from meat) most species are not venomous, relying on either ambushing their prey and killing with constriction or simply eat it whole (which can be relatively easy if your prey are eggs, not known for their running skills). Of ourse being able to tear your prey up has its downsides, you must swallow it whole so they have evolved very complex jaw arrangements to allow them to consume prey larger than the diameter of their head. They don’t dislocate their jaws though, that is very much a myth.

As snakes occur pretty much anywhere humans normally live they have woven their way into our cultures. Egyptians used the image of an Egyptian cobra as the Uraeus, a symbol of royal power and of the goddess Wadjet, most recognisable on the gold mask of Tutankhamun. Serpents make many appearances in the Bible and that follows through into Christian mythology with St Patrick winning renown for casting the snakes out of Ireland (whereas snakes had never colonised it in the first place) as well as the “snake stones” of Whitby Abbey. According to legend St Hilda wanted to build an abbey at Whitby but was frustrated by the sheer number of snakes occupying the area. She prayed and they were all turned to stone, allowing her to build the abbey. After that time people kept finding stones shaped like coiled snakes, but without heads, which was apparently the result of a beheading curse from St Cuthbert. A roaring trade in these relics sprang up with some enterprising craftsmen thoughtfully providing the heads they had lost by carving them into the stone. Ironically what was being found there were not the unlucky snakes but the remains of much older animals, ammonites, the fossil remains of extinct molluscs which gave rise to the present day nautilus. There is now one species of ammonite named after St Hilda, “Hildoceras”.

When Whitby’s nuns exalting told,
Of thousand snakes, each one
Was changed into a coil of stone,
When Holy Hilda pray’d:
Themselves, without their holy ground,
Their stony folds had often found.

– Sir Walter Scott – “Marmion”

A new cat

Well, OK, more a kitten than a cat.. 😉

We felt that our adult cat Mini needed a companion and a bit of research indicated that for an adult female a male kitten would give the best chance of a good match. So it was off down to the RSPCA to talk to them about what was possible, and we found they had 3 kittens of which one was male, and he had only just arrived after their internal quarantine and was lovely, so we picked him. Then we hit a hard question – we had to do the registration form for the council and that demanded a name! We were stuck, but then it occurred to us that given we had an adult called “Mini” the obvious choice was going to be “Maxi”.

So meet Maxi Samuel!

Maxi, our new kitten, looking very innocent.

He’s remarkably well camouflaged in our house, though that’s not been a problem for him yet.. 😉

Maxi, our new kitten

Melbourne Partial Solar Eclipse, May 10th 2013

This morning was a partial solar eclipse in Melbourne. Back up where we saw the total solar eclipse last November they got an annular eclipse which would have been spectacular, but work is too frantic at the moment bringing up a new machine to even think about going up!

The first glimpse of it was from the train going into work with (of course) eclipse glasses (from Ice In Space) and by the time I got to Richmond I remembered I’d not taken a photo so had a go with my phone and the eclipse glasses and came up with this:


My plan though was to go to the playing fields at the University of Melbourne where I’d learnt before (via Twitter) that there would be some astro folks. There was a small group of people there with a telescope set up to project onto a screen at the rear who were having fun trying to keep it on target as it wouldn’t lock into place. The nice thing about projections like this is that you get a nice big image, like this:

Melbourne Partial Solar Eclipse, 10th May 2013

I had a couple of left over eclipse glasses from the total eclipse so I passed them around and left them with them, they seemed to go down well!

Locking Down WordPress Admin and Login URLs

For those WordPress admins who are lucky enough to only access via certain defined IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) you can lock down access to the wp-admin and wp-login.php URLs in your Apache configuration with just:

<location /wp-admin/>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from ::1/128 1234:5678:90ab:cdef::/64

<files wp-login.php>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from ::1/128 1234:5678:90ab:cdef::/64

Hopefully that helps someone!

Astrophotography: Comets C/2011 PANSTARRS and C/2012 F6 Lemmon

Friday night I was at the Mount Burnett Observatory for the talk about the ASV’s New Astronomers Group (NAG), but we took a break from the talk shortly after sunset to look for the two comets in the southern sky that night, C/2011 PANSTARRS and C/2012 F6 Lemmon. It was a lovely clear night, though very windy, and we managed to see both of them. I’d brought my camera and tripod along and got these photographs:

Comet C/2011 PANSTARRS as seen from Mount Burnett Observatory

Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS

Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS

Comet C/2012 F6 Lemmon as seen from Mount Burnett Observatory

Comet C/2012 F6 Lemmon

…and this time with a passing aircraft…

Comet C/2012 F6 Lemmon with passing aircraft

Then on Saturday night I got this photo of PANSTARRS from Upper Ferntree Gully, visible as a naked eye object.

Comet C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS over Upper Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia

Sadly PANSTARRS is heading off to the northern hemisphere so we may not get much more of it here in Australia.

In memoriam, Bob Samuel, 1925-2008

It’s been 5 years now Dad.

My father, Bob Samuel

My father was a sign writer and glass embosser by trade, working in the business started by his grandfather. He loved old mechanical things and one part of his work that gave him pride was hand painting museum acquisitions to their original standard. Here is a trailer for a steam road wagon originally operated by J.E. Thomas and Sons in Oswestry (and here’s a link to an advert for them, with a different livery).

J.E. Thomas and Sons, trailer for a steam road wagon

One summer holiday (1988 I think) I helped him paint three coal railway trucks for the Maritime and Industrial Museum in Cardiff (part of the National Museum at the time), the museum is long gone but they now seem to have moved up to Big Pit museum at Blaenavon).

Three Coal Trucks: Bute, Naval, Ocean